Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Here There Be Dragons

Is it so much to ask for just ONE totally awesome dragon movie? Seriously, its one of the reasons I really wanted Peter Jackson to tackle the Hobbit, because there would be an awesome dragon in it. I would like to take a moment to review...

Dragonheart: Not bad, especially as Dragon Movies go, but somehow managed to make a dragon movie into an ABC family special... Sean Connery voiced the dragon, and it was all about love or something like that. Blah blah blah... Last of the Dragons, etc.

Dungeons & Dragons: Hey! I know, I'm looking for a great new lead for a totally awesome fantasy flick... who should I pick... YEAH THAT'S IT!!! A Wayan's Brother would be Perfect for one of them! Someone please put a flaming enchanted serpentine kris right between my +4 Charisma eyes.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: They're not joking about "Hidden Dragon." I couldn't find one ANYWHERE.

Reign of Fire: Dragons and Christian Bale, doesn't seem like it could go wrong. The Visuals were AWESOME. The Movie was crappy. I cried... many nights.

The NeverEnding Story: Possibly one of the best to date. I mean come'on, I named my first cat Falcore when I was little.

Which brings us all the way around to the other night. When Ro, Kris, Scott, Trueblood, Hauge and I all saw Eragon. We were incredibly excited, for anyone who doesn't know, just ask Ro why. Turns out, this movie was no better than the rest. The Book is Amazing. Read it. Buy it and the rest of them. After leaving the theatre my synopsis went something like this:

I feel like they took the book and instead of making the movie off of that, they made it off the cliffnotes version. But the director didn't really READ the cliffnotes, just skimmed the back and inside cover then tried to explain the story to his Hyperactive ADD 6 year old daughter. Whom he then recorded telling the story to her dolls, played it back to himself in fastforward and went from there.
"First there was this boy who found a dragon, but it was a little bitty really really really really really really cute baby dragon who didn't know how to fly so the boy taught it to fly and then it was really big and the boy could ride it although he wasn't very good but it was ok cause the old guy taught him how to fight even though he already knew how and started a fire with magic and the boy shot the monster with a magic arrow and rode the dragon and saved the good guys from the army... but I don't remember where the army came from... but it doesn't matter and he saved the world!"


Anonymous said...

Hey what about "Pete's Dragon"? Classic Disney movie with a great dragon.

Neverending Story rocks hard core...I wished for a Falcore for so long util I realized he was imaginary (last year). :'(


kimberlyb1974 said...

But how was Joss Stone? haha

I had fully intended on seeing this movie for Jeremy Irons...and Scott, of course. Now, I'm thinking I'll just add it to my Netflix. Along with Maid in Manhattan.

By the way, I didn't see any reference the 1978 cinematic wonder that is: Puff, the Magic Dragon. I still cry when Jackie Paper becomes a snarky little brat and leaves Puff behind.