Friday, December 15, 2006

I'm in love...

So, new short Best Buy post for everyone here.

I was up at customer service helping a customer who had ordered a laptop from another store when a coworker came up to the register next to me... I notice then that the customer he was helping was a typical college co-ed blonde type with a tight baby tee, tight jeans and a black thong (trust me, it was noticeable). Knowing the coworker, I assumed he was excited about having a customer like this and I'm sure we'd bring it up later.

A minute or so later, I was done helping my customer and was able to actually look up. She wasn't really really hot... but just in that sorta skanky way. And then I noticed that her Baseball cap was pulled down over her eyes was black and said "Vu." And then I noticed a bright green lanyard that said Deja Vu.

It wasn't that she was attractive. Or even had an amazing body or anything like that... it was just the fact that I knew if I went down the street I "could" see her naked. The very VERY best part of all?

She paid $400 in all small bills.

Pic here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She could be a bad example for blonds! Mr. Rob you eyes should only be on Ro.
