Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Bush Lied, 1099 Soldiers Died

So the mailers we send out have self addressed, postage paid envelopes included. The intention is that the customer will be more likely to send back our application and we get more money. Sometimes customers have "better ideas." As in the subject of this post. We recieved an empty envelope back today, with that message scrawled across the back in red marker. The Return Address said:

Dick Cheney
Is a Liar
Somewhere, NJ 12345

We get all kindsa interesting stuff in the mail. Just today we've got cut up Sears Ads, a Pamphlet reading "Do all roads really lead to God?" and a pamphlet entitled "Concieved by Rape" (some anti-abortion thing). Ahh... still 2,500 more mailers to open, I'm REALLY looking forward to this.

On a side note, we got in a discussion concerning disney characters today... I made the statement that Jasmine was possibly the hottest disney character ever, with only Ariel a contender. To which Kim responded: "Jasmine's a hussy, and Ariel has fake boobs..." There you have it my loyal readers... Discuss.


Anonymous said...

Jasmime's not a hussy. But I'll tell you who is... Melinda. No, I kid. I like Melinda. And Melinda, if you're reading this, you can give Rob as many kisses as you want- it might fatten him up a bit, because I don't like being the chunkster in this relationship. And Ariel definitely has fake boobs. There is no way real boobs would stay supported in those shells.
I really like the way people take the time to send you stuff in the mail. Wouldn't it just be easier to recycle that stuff instead of sending it back?

The Chunkster

Anonymous said...

About those mailers it wouldn't be very fun if we did that infact Mr. Rob has officially has his own wall now (he calls it wallpaper) where when we are sorting out the mail and we like to give the good statement ones to him. He has two walls one for political and one for the silly ones or the Fire Truck ones the word that starts with an F and ends with an K.

Freemama (Oh yea! hello Ro)

Anonymous said...

See? Ro knows what I'm talking about! I don't have them myself, but I can sure spot 'em. And... I'm not ashamed to say that yes, I'm looking at boobs. I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to do that.

On the other hand, if Tinkerbell got some fake ones....man that would be hot. I'm not sure how I got fixated on boobs today....must....get....out.

Trailer funk level: Orange


Anonymous said...

I would have to disagree, both Arial and Jasmine aren't very "hot." I'm gonna have to go with Belle from Beauty and the Beast... Nice AND pretty! Just a comment from the ITI friend. :) Hugs *ali*

Scott said...

You're ALL daft. First of all, Ariel's boobs are fine. They don't need support because she's a mermaid. In...whadathey call it...oh yeah 'water'. Her hair is also floating around, do you think IT's fake (well, in as much as you can accept cartoon hair as real). Secondly, Jasmine is pretty close to the hottest Disney character. But Pocahontas is up there too. And I've always found Tinkerbell to be hot. There's just something about a woman who sees me as being hung like a mastodon...mmm, yeah that's the stuff.

Moving on, Rob nice blog. Sorry I hadn't posted on it yet. But now I have. Actually, I'm not sorry. You never post on mine damnit. Heh. Oh well, keep it up - Scott

Anonymous said...

Ok...so I have to totally agree that Belle from Beauty and the Beast is by far the best and hottest Disney female character. Not only is she pretty but she's smart too. She knows how to take charge and take care of herself and she's not a spoiled brat but comes from humble upbringings. Ariel is just a dumb bimbo, I mean seriously common sense tells you that if a utensil is sitting on a dinner table you DONT use it to brush your hair!! As for Jasmine, she's just a bratty little rich girl who's dad is the powerful sultan. Too good for peasants. (I don't care if she went with Aladdin at the end, I think it was out of guilt.) Tinkerbell is just the jealous bitch that wants Peter all to herself and can stand him being with Wendy.

Belle all the way!


Anonymous said...

Breyn makes good points...score one for Belle. She wins in my book, too. But, since I'm old, I like Cinderella the best. Sorry...but Belle IS in the top three!!

Now, about Ariel's boobs/water theory. They might be perky in the water, but Scotty2Hotty seems to have forgotten that when she is on land, they are STILL perky. Strangely, almost...scary perky...like Anna Nicole Smith's.

~Buff(the stuff)Bagwell

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Belle is better than Ariel (how stupid are you to believe a giant octopus who dresses in black???) and Jasmine. Jasmine thought she was tough stuff, but when it came right down to it, she was all attitude and no action! Belle is kind of stuck up too...she thought she was too good for all the towns people because they lead pointless lives. Cinderella on the other hand, she was smart, hard working, pretty, and she fell in love with the guy BEFORE finding out he had all kinds of money! Yep, Cinderella out of all those spoken before...however I must say that Mulan is my favorite! She totally kicks butt! She's not in the top for "hottest" characters...but I like her best!

Rob said...

Man, I love it when I can get people to argue and even bust out the swears over ridiculous stuff... LIKE DISNEY CHARACTERS!!!

I stand firm by my original statements. I'm afraid that you are all getting horribly off topic here... I said "Hottest" not "who I'd like to spend the rest of my life with." And before any jumps on me for being superficial - I will again point out, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT ANIMATED FEMALES!

Ro (and Melinda) - Don't give Melinda permission to do anything, all she does is take advantage.

Kim - you crack me up, and I'm sorry you're still stuck in the trailer. If you want, I can break your computer so you have to come inside too!

Ali - You don't know what you're talking about. That red outfit Jafar puts her in is H-O-T.

Scott - I love how I can always leave it to you to take it to "The Next Level"

Breyn - I can't believe you called Tink a Bitch!

Last Poster - I don't even know who you are. So your post doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

ok, this is from Rob's buddy, Keith. Alright, first off, for those of you who think Ariel is the one with the ridiculously big breasts...pop in Pocahontas. That bitch has got some crazy big boobs (trust me, I've paid attention). As for the hottest...I'd definitely bring Belle home to mom and dad before any of the others. I've never really been that big of a Jasmine fan, and even though Ariel is cute, there is a big issue of the fins...there is some vital gear that is missing if we are referring to fin-form. I'd possibly take on Tink if she was about 5"10, but 3 inches tall just isn't gonna cut it for me. Oh yeah....that gypsy lady from Hunchback has got a pretty smokin' body, and I bet she is a hell of a lot of fun in the sack. I haven't seen it in a while, but she might be a contender for the big boobs title with Pocahontas. Long story short...if I was a cartoon I would gladly sleep with any of them, but like I was saying earlier...Belle is probably more my type than any of them. I'm out.