Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Webcomics and PimpSlaps

Alright, so today is gonna be fun link day! Why, Cause I've been doing the data entry end of things today and haven't had a lot of social interaction. Just me... and my computer... like always... man I'm pathetic. But I did manage to find a webcomic that I used to read frequently. Its not as good as Homestar Runner (Child-safe, check out the Strong Bad Emails) or Foamy (Vulgar, watch "Fatkins Diet"). Actually, its not even animated - it's like oldschool and stuff. But the basic storyline is that this lazy college kids talks Death into starting a dot-com, and the kid would help get him started in exchange for prolonging his life. It's called The Grim DotCom, and you should all check it out, and know that I think it's hilarious!

Let's see... oh yeah, PimpSlaps. A guy at work showed me this today. And its entertaining for like 27 seconds. Try and get a "10."
Slap The Candidate

Have Fun!


Anonymous said...

Just as an entering foray into the world of Rob's blog(fantastic debut Roberto) I'd just like to formally challenge Earl "the boat" Whatshisface to a gypsie knife fight.
Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Hey Robby, lotsa fun smackin' Bush....had just enough time left to waste before leaving the doublewide last night. I liked the Grim cartoon, too. Thanks for keeping me busy!

~Foamy Fan

Anonymous said...

27 seconds of fun? Is that all you gave it?? I was highly entertained for at least 4 minutes....even got a 10, so take that Prez Shrub. My dog wanted a piece of Bush too, but she was having trouble working the mouse. Nice work Rob--you've given the trailer dwellers yet another reason to slack off. And for that, I thank you.