Friday, October 29, 2004

Putting the "Good Humor" Train back on track.

Alright, so tensions are high at work (understatement). We recieved an email lecturing us on twirling our keys in the building... so I'm going to do my part to combat this Downward Spiral we're in. This Petty Hate Machine must be stopped. I believe I have the Perfect Drug to cure what ails us. I need to bring us all Closer together... alright I'm done.

Let me tell you about Ralph Nader for President. A loving customer sent this flier to us and I feel the need to highlight parts of it for my devotees:

"Bush = Corporate Republican; Kerry = Corporate Democrat"
"Military Vaccines are Weapons of Mass Desturesion,
Vaccines Caused Gulf War Synd."
"Corporate Druge Companies Own Washington"
"Vaccines CAUSE: Cancer(s), Diabetes, & other Diseases!
( #105)"

So yeah, there you have it folks. Just remember this slogan...
"Bush and Kerry make me wanna RALPH!"

Now for todays topic of discussion, I'm gonna dip into the Josh Ryder Standards and pull out this one: If you could have ANY super power, what would it be? and why?
It could be anything. The best answer I've ever heard is "The power of musical theatre." So that the person could snap his fingers and everyone around him would break out into song and dance. Awesome if you ask me...


Anonymous said...

My super power would be I could read everyone's mind and when they had negative thoughts about me, I could change them to happy thoughts. All the world would love me!

QB, trailer evictee (and poet).

Anonymous said...

I would have to go with the power of giving people love when they needed it or felt alone!!! Sounds corny, but it is what i truly want to do! :) HUGS *ITI Monkeys forever*

Anonymous said...

I guess if I had to have a super power. It would be the ability to teleport anywhere at anytime. Imagine the possibilites. I could go from the trailor to the beach and back all day long.
King of the trailor

Anonymous said...

A super power.... would be the power of suggestion, which in my opinion would benefit every avenue from life to love to war..... M

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Here's your stupid comment, Rob. Hope you're happy now. I at least hope you're vaccinated. I recently found out one of my friends at school wasn't vaccinated. We had him dragged to the quad and stoned to death. That was fun.

Anyway, as far as superpowers go, I think I'd like the superpower of contentious rhetoric. I might not defeat many supervillains, but at least I could host Crossfire.

Rob said...

Alright, Superpowers...
I'm kinda at a toss up. As far as the crime fighting type superhero - I'd go for Invulnerability. I mean, that’d be sweet. Now for practicality and making a real difference I think it’d be “The Ability to will a person to be 100% honest at that moment.” Wouldn’t that have had a slight effect on our politicians (read: George W. Bush).

Anonymous said...

Dear Rob:

Sorry I waited so long to respond. Since I promised in the beginning that I would respond to all your posts; here goes.

I'd have the power to shoot flaming monkeys out my butt. Sure, it sounds gross in theory, but it would still be kinda cool. Think of all the flaming butt monkeys there would be walking around...and not just in Washington, DC anymore....


Anonymous said...

Interesting question Rob...If I could have any superpower what would it be...hmmmm...I've always been a fan of invisibility (or even having an invisibility cloak like Harry Potter) be that "fly on the wall" so to speak. I think that would be awesome cuz you could get some interesting information that way and have some fun with it to.

For instance my first objective would be to track down the anti-christ himself, Mr. John "I'm A Bigot" Kerry, and kick him in his big ol' horse face till he's black and blue (and I could do that if I was invisible and he'd never know what hit him). Then I could go after his ugly fatass of a wife...and the world would become a better place because of it. =) Now that would be a good time! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of Charmed, so I'd have to say that if I could have a superpower it would be that of Piper, the ability to freeze time. That'd be great when I'm running late! I could freeze traffic and weave in and out or drive on the shoulder while no one else could move.....I'd never be late again!
