Thursday, September 21, 2006

Things I've learned

I ponder things I've learned often... and it often winds up being at ridiculous times like 5am. What am I doing up at 5am, you may ask? Well, I'm trying to clean up the aftermath of one of my more complex procrastinations: I rearranged the furniture in my apartment. I have to say, I like what I've done with the place. With the exception that all my knick-knacks are all over the place right now and papers are covering the floor and my shelves are mostly empty right now. But these are not the things I've learned. What I've learned, spawned from an experience at the Buy today. Speaking of which, check out the picture I made:

Me after a hard day's flipping out and Ninja'ing people at Best Buy, and my bestest girlfriend Ro in her teacher clothes and her favorite MP3 Player.

But back to what I learned: If you want anyone to EVER take you seriously in a Political conversation, never try to convince anyone of something by saying these words "Well I was listening to X on the radio." Or "X says that." and have X be any of these people: Rush, Micheal Moore, Coulter, Stewart, O'Reilly, or Corbert. Now I love Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert, but I don't try winning arguement with them. I recognize that they are entertainers, not politicians. They make thier living by entertaining others. Some of these entertainers may think just a little too highly of themselves, but they don't research, they don't truely know very much at all. They make money by ranting and raving, or by making wisecracks. If someone tries arguing points and says one of these people... just sigh, smile and patronize. And be glad that no matter what your new found adversary (who seems hellbent on making a battle out of every opportunity) believes about how great it would be if Rush or Moore ran the world... it will *never* happen. So sleep soundly.


Rob said...

What do you think of the new Pic?

kimberlyb1974 said...

Me likee. I want one, too.

Rob said...

Ask and ye shall recieve. I didn't make the pic for you, but I figured you'd have plenty of fun making them all yourself at work:

Josh said...

Rush has a huge crush on Whitney Houston. That is a fact, admitted by Rush himself.

kimberlyb1974 said...


The scalawags at AWR have taken away all our fun. Now, when I try to open certain websites, for instance the one you sent and "Foamy", I get a 'Blue Coat Filter' and it says I'm looking up pornography and jokes. Oy vey...This place is a serious buzzkill.

I will try it at home if I get a chance. Maybe.

Back to the beatings.

Jake said...

are you talking about me? I think you're talking about me. I don't appreciate it.