Tuesday, March 28, 2006

If it makes you feel any better...

You know how when someone's haveing a crappy day or something crappy happened to them, someone else will inevitabily come up and say: "Well if it makes you feel any better [insert personal crappy experience here]." Why do we do that? That never actually makes you feel better. I think its just a nice of of telling someone to stop whining because they're not the only one with problems here.

Rob's Dating Tip of the Day: Barnes and Noble is a great place to pick up chicks. You can seem intelligent and you can already have something in common. You can instantly find common interests just by seeing what section your standing in front of. Also, there are pre-set levels of difficulty: Stay away from the ones hanging out in "Women's Issues," and the ones in the self-help section is a good place for beginers (I mean they obviously already have some self esteem issues.)


Anonymous said...

Rob, are you getting hit on in the bookstore?


Anonymous said...

wow rob wow

Mr. Jones-Smith-Miller-Sanchez said...

Here's my take on the subjects in today's blog:
The "if it makes you feel anybetter.." deal in my opinion is related to the fact that everyone always has to one-up another. Mine is much bigger than yours meets my life sucks worse than yours. The you should feel sorry for me, because i sure as hell don't feel sorry for you aspect of empathy.
And also bookstore thing is a good observation. I believe that Seinfeld had that in one of his during-show standup bits.