Friday, March 31, 2006

Story about Bob

Once there was a kid named Bob. He grew up and his first computer of memory was a Commodore 64. His parents got him this computer when he was VERY young and he pretty much learned everything from it.... how to count money for example (thanks Grovers Playground). He learned all about computers at this young age and is very thankful for it. He also learned something else. Something he didn't really put his finger on until just recently. Poor Bob learned about piracy. Not the cool* kind where you sail around and have parrots, but the kind where you STEAL SOFTWARE. Bob remembered a little black screen that would always load on his favorite games as a kid that said "Cracked by |insert name here|"

Now Bob is all grown up and he still doesn't pay for his software or games. He always finds a crack. He doesn't even think about paying for music or his movies, he just finds way to get them for free. Bob is a bad, bad person. Its almost like it was ingrained in him from birth.... BECAUSE IT WAS!!!

Its a good thing I'm not Bob. I mean, I buy the special editions of all the movies I really like. And my last big PC title was store bought (because it was online and it had to be). Also, one final thing: I'm checking out Open Office. That's a FREE Microsoft Office clone. My favorite part so far was in the registration survey as a check mark for "Why did you download Open Office?" the two options I could check was "Because its right in my price range (Free)." and "Because it's not Microsoft." HA! Screw you Mircosoft.

1 comment:

kimberlyb1974 said...

I got my first Commodore 64 when I was was so cool.

Then, we upgraded to the Commodore 128 my freshman year in high school...with the dot matrix printer. Oh was sweet. I used to be the only kid with typed homework.

I like Bob.