Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My new phrase

I've already submitted it to Urban Dictionary, this will be my second entry there. Some people are probably going to say that my new entry is "gross" but hey its a fact of life and you just have to accept it. We'll have to see if the editors accept my new entry, but I think they will.

Blowing Christmas: A term for when you are really sick, particularly when a sinus infection is involved; refers to the expulsion of holiday themed mucus from your nose.

Yeah, so know you know what I mean when I say I've been blowing christmas since about Wednesday. Definitely not the most fun part of vacation. I finally got an anti-biotic and I should start getting better soon. The sore throat, James Earl Jones voice and ear aches suck as well. At least my ears finally started to pop and clear up yesterday. If any of you ever get the idea to fly while sick, don't. reschedule. Your head doesn't readjust to the air pressure on your decent and it makes your ears and eye feel like they're going to pop. Its awlful.


Scott said...

You should watch the latest episode of Diggnation. Alex was bitching about that very thing. Those poor kids, what with the drinking and the producing a vidcast. And being ~♥dreamy♥~.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Nice post. No trip pictures...nothing fun at all, just gross details that is just way TMI!
