Monday, March 13, 2006

California sun has sunk...

So here we are in Cali... bonus points to whomever can tell me where that title is from WITHOUT googling. I really wanted to get some pictures up and going for you guys, but we seem to be having issues with that at the moment. I was under the impression that California was just free Wireless Internet everywhere - but I gave it a little too much credit. I'll take Lappy along with us tomorrow and check for access every now and again.

But right now there are actually bigger things going on than California. I've always said "This place will fall apart without me." No one ever took me seriously, well I hope they do now. We happened to flip on the television tonight and what do we see?? Springfield IL on the San Diego local news. Apparently those news reports are exaggerating. My apartment is fine, but others in my complex have holes in them. Best Buy was torn up really bad... REALLY BAD from the sounds of it. Merchandise ruined. Ceiling gone. We aren't expecting customers for a couple weeks. Aparently when I get back they will be pulling in employees for disaster clean up. There could be irony here except for the fact that I haven't been able to check on some fellow Springfield people yet to see their status. (My cell phone is jacked up)

Anyways, I'll try and get you pictures tomorrow - but no promises. I need to find free wireless internet. My face is a little pink today from the sun (Phil and Scott are straight up burnt). Its a rough life out here in California. Peace, I'm out.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Holy crap! Tornados? Man, I got out of that city just in time. Too bad about Best Buy.

Josh said...

Dude, Tornados plus alligators, it's no nonsence over here. I'm going to pay your bill when the roads open up to get to your place. And I'm serious. I'm not even joking. Not even a little bit. If you were here you'd have to look close to see if I were winking. And I wouldn't be.

Scott said...

Yeah. Freakin' tornadoes. It's ironic that one destroyed Best Buy considering that the store got its start from a tornado destroying their original business. I guess it's God's way of saying "Scott hates you."

Thanks worrying about my burn. But I think I'll be alright. Just need a little aloe and I'll be fine. Today I'm headed up to check out the damage and maybe move some of my stuff out. *Sniff* Tis a sad thing.

- Scott

P.S. What smells "Rancid"
P.P.S. I cheated.

Anonymous said...


Breyn and I were worried about you guys! They said it hit Westchester subdivision pretty badly. I was locked in my house (not ACTUALLY locked, but oh well!) with my two kids as they closed Dist. 186 (Springfield) schools. Lucky you got out when you did!

If you need anything when you get back, let us know.


Anonymous said...

Hey Rob! I tried calling you..forgot you were in CA. Lucky you. Westchester area, Chatham Rd., Wabash and Jerome were all hit pretty hard. It came through off of west wabash/ I 72 exit (you know were the Showplace 12 movie theater is). Yeah barely a mile from where we were at Adam's parents house. Talk about freaking you out.

Walmart, Gordmans, Best Buy all those on that area are messed up.

Adam and I went out for the Red Cross Disaster team and did photos. We got a lot of Jerome...(traffic was too heavy to get into your apartment area)didn't make it to the far east where there were some really bad spots (houses totally gone etc).

You can see them here if you get a chance:

This is after about 6 hours of clean up.


Scott said...

I got lots of good pictures too. When I get back tonight (I'm moving out today because an elderly woman whose house was destroyed needs my apartment) I'll post em. The good news is that your apartment is undamaged. However, your building did lose its brick wall on one side. Which is pretty impressive. Pictures later. Must unload car...

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Thought I let you know that another wlpp person is leaving that is Mr. Frank Dickinson his last day is April 14th.
