Thursday, April 13, 2006

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone...

Alright, so I've got two things for you today.

One is a video that I came across. Its a Korean music video, and I don't speak Korean. But I was lookign up Eragon stuff and the submitters name for this video was Eragon1985 and so yeah, that's how I came across it. Its a cute/romantic/touchyfeely thing and some people maybe into that. I am not, I like football and boobs and beer. I just watched the whole video to prove to myself that I could and it was a manly, manly thing and not because I just kinda liked it. (PS its a bit long, and a bit sad for standard music video.)

Now in a related story:

CYBORG VISION! there's a video clip about a quarter of the way down on the right side, where it says "Watch the Video!" Also here's another news clip. Now I know were not to the point of replacing eyes yet, but any step is a good one for me. Also as Ro noted, this article must be taken with a grain of salt. Apparently the news media likes to sensationalize sometimes, who'd a thought? Mainly commenting on "42 Million people are legally blind," too bad of those legally blind, a vast majority has better eyesight than what these roboeyes would give (mere flashes of light and rough outlines.) What do you think? Do you like Cyborgs? I know I do!


Anonymous said...

I would be one of those "legally blind" people, and I think I'll keep my own eyes thanks! All I need are some contacts! Without them, it is illegal for me to drive (nor would I want to since I can't even see the mirror clearly to do my hair in the morning without them).

So glad you posted today, and with links! A+ for time wasting today! THANKS Rob!

Scott said...

Yeah I saw that first video too. It was just under the trailer I posted on my blog in the bottom five. I've watched it, and have this to say about it. It's turned you gay. Not just gay, Korean gay. That means all the normal trappings of gay, in addition to playing StarCraft. Still. Years later.

Next point, that's the first time you've ever seen the cyborg eye thing? That's not even my favorite example! About five years ago in wired they had a much nicer looking rig. And the guy was doing quite well on an obstacle course. And with the kind of progress they've managed on the Chochlear Implant (bionic ear for deaf people, read the story it's good) I wouldn't be surprised if those kids with the data ports on their heads hear better than all of us.

- Scott

P.S. We're talking redecorating apartments for a living, and advising your friends about the Zerg build orders here...

Anonymous said...

I'm using this Blog as a help line right now...sorry Rob. I need assistance with my hubby's Easter gift. I want to get him a video game, but I have NO idea what video game to get him. He has PS2 and GBA. He likes the Dragon Ball Z games, superhero games, Dynasty Warriors, and war type games (he's a former soldier and loves that stuff). I need some good game titles! HELP ME PLEASE!


Anonymous said...

i love that music video.

alil over dramatic, but if you watched more korean dramas/music videos, you would see that they are all alil OVERdramatic and OVER emotional...

that was my 2 cents..

-hot sauce (Tim's friend)