Monday, April 24, 2006

What's going on?

Thought I'd bring you up to speed with a few things. You know, keep you all in the loop.

Finals are coming up. And I have about 50 pages of project due in a week or so. Yeah, that sucks. Got a lot of reading and writing ahead of me these next several days. Grades are doing good so far however.

The Buy
People in my department have stopped quitting for a while it seems... we've reached a point of equilibrium or something. There's still a couple on the fence but considering in the short time I've been there we've gone through 2 Seniors, 2 Supervisors and at least a dozen employees, its' pretty impressive. Now there's a restructuring going on in the store and looks like at least two managers have quit. It'll be interesting.

Donating her hair to Locks of Love very soon, maybe this weekend. We'll have pictures for you.

I'm playing Puzzle Pirates, which has a bunch of games similar to Bejeweled, Tetris, Dr Mario, etc. Its online and its free. Only downfall is you have to download and install it, which may not work for some of you at business computers.

Also the Nintendo Revolution comes out in November. I'm getting one the day it comes out. I've already told all my managers this, they are all aware of the situation. Jamie also thinks she's getting my Gamecube (Gamecube games/controllers work on the Revolution) so if I'm feeling generous she just might.

Reading Selections
Just finished Barack Obama's book: Dreams from My Father. And I'm part way through American Gospel. I'm also reading Culture War for class.

Must Have Web Link
Deal Detectives

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