Thursday, June 22, 2006

I can't believe its not bitter.

Yeah, get it? Its a play on words... like the old can't believe it's not butter commercials. Just one letter different. Anyways here's what you missed:

Yesterday I was bragging to everyone that I got put on special assignment at The Buy. Working on the night crew, 60 hours in like 5 days. That's time and a half, PLUS no customers... it doesn't really get any better. I was way excited. Sure it was midnights, but who cares when I'm making decent money and don't have to put up with customers, right? Well it "would have been" awesome if it hadn't gotten taken away from me today. But I'm not bitter... know why? Cause I have a picture of Ro playing with a puppy.

SeeMakes everything better.

But as far as work is concerned, who needs that anyway. Who needs the extra money and vacation from customers? Not this kid, no sir. I've actually started going into The Buy on my days off in full regalia to help those lovely people out off the clock. But why would I do that? Because I love customers. I love it when they're mad at me because they have to buy anti-virus to protect their computer on the internet and they feel that its all a scam. I love it when they act like its Hank's Used Cars and they can just haggle to their hearts content just to end up throwing a fit, spending $959 instead of $999, and giving me a migrane. Totally worth it. And I love it when I ask Person A if they need anything, they shoot me down, I help Person B and then person A get pissy when I'm not right there at thier beck and call....

*deep breath*ok....
Time to go to work.


Mr. Jones-Smith-Miller-Sanchez said...

Ironically or coincidently Jamie and I went to the Humane Society yesterday and played with some cats. And pet some dogs through the cages. There was a dachshund/Shepard mix i think. Either way it was a weird looking dog. Long like a dachshund but bigger and with longer hair. Weird. I was playing w/ a cat and kinda rough and it scratched the shit out of my hand. PLayfully of course. It was fun.

Anonymous said...

Well isn't that sweeeeeet!!!

Freemama vs Superman