Thursday, June 01, 2006

Don't drink the blue toliet water

I've got a new stash of chemicals at my apartment due to my new ailment. While I was at walmart picking up some Calamine lotion, Caladryl Clear and Bleach when I came across those big blue discs you put in your toliet bowl. I figure its a good way to encourage me to take my vitamins: Turning the water green is the best.

And speaking of changing the color of the toliet water, did you know that if you pour some bleach into the blue water it'll clear it up? CRAZY! The deciving part of this is that the way nature intended things is that you don't eat or drink brightly colored things. Like pretty frogs in the jungle, you don't eat them... especially the blue ones. This holds true for the toliet water as well... regular toliet water is ok to drink, blue is not, but if you add bleach its clear again but still not safe. Perplexing I know.

I bet about now you're wondering if there's any point or direction to this, the answer: not really. Except to let you know that not only did the Geocaching suck because we didn't find anything, but because I've now, for the first time in my life, contracted poison ivy. I've got it all over my left hand and the left side of my face. Poison Ivy on the lips sucks a lot by the way, which leads me to mention: Don't eat poison ivy.

My favorite new poison ivy term: describing your sores as weepy. I guess saying the your face is all pussy doesn't quite read right on paper.


Mr. Jones-Smith-Miller-Sanchez said...

Rob, always getting into trouble.
btw i had to look up the spelling of pussy. It just didn't seem right. But, as sometimes does happen, you are right. Pussy, resembling puss.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that blue toilet water taste like peppermint, but I wouldn't know. Give it a try Rob. It looks like you won't be kissing Ro with that poison Ivy on your lips any time soon.
