Sunday, July 23, 2006

Honors Previously Unknown

Probably one of those things where I make a bigger deal out of it than it really is, but I thought this was pretty cool. I have achieved a level of status that I didn't realize I was shooting for, but now that I'm there I feel I can brag about it. At camp this year.... I had a few campers who did:


Apparently when they were developing a skit to put on for some other participants, they decided that someone was going to play Breyn and I in the skit. That's when they started discussing: Who did the best Rob Impression. Josh here was the one who won, because everyone was already familiar with his Rob Impression. All I can say is that imitation is the greatest flattery, right?


Next quick point to touch on, if you ever want to try a climbing wall, and you see that one of the belayers... you know, people on the ground who hold your rope - therefore keeping you from going Splat. Anyways, if you ever see one of them getting their training in 5 minutes right before your time to climb. Don't go with that person.

There was a wall at the college we were at and I was talking to one of the workers about how exciting that was. She asked if I had experience and I replied by saying that I had my gear in the car. She then asked me to come help them. All was good, but there was another staffmember (ask Scott about the 1up Kid) who felt that he had ample experience because he was a mountain rescue ranger saver Bulls#!t. They showed him how to do it and I stopped him from helping the first kid and made him practice on me first. The very next kid he let take a 7 foot fall to the floor. Rob was not happy.


Anonymous said... where are these so called "mountains" that the 1up kid/tool has been a frequent rescuer of??

what a tool


Anonymous said...

Your still posting good! that means you survived the storm.
