Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Must think of a good excuse...

man, its not like I wasn't home enough to take a few minutes and post. I didn't lose both hands in Iraq, making posting difficult. Oh snap! I know. Its the Ryder boys fault. They stopped posting, and it rubbed off on me. That's the ticket.

So now I've been gone for a while and feel like I have to give you something substancial and entertaining. Lets see, I've played some World of Warcraft (Warning: Animated characters singing about... well, nevermind. Just click the link.) Pretty entertaining, eh? What's that, you don't agree with it? That's not what this guy thinks.

I'm going to try and keep up with the posting for a couple days here because on Friday I start my camp and will be gone for a week. We'll have a laptop with us, so there's a chance I could get a post or two out - but it depends on if I can get an internet connection.

For people that haven't heard of the Red Paperclip Guy: A guy took a red paperclip and said that he would trade anyone as long as it was better than what he started with. He traded a paperclip for a fish pen, for a doorknob, for a mini-grill, for a power generator, for a snow mobile, for... well you get the idea. His end goal was a house, and on 7.8.06 he got it... for free, just by trading up. Check out his website. Or this news clip. Why can't I think of anything like this!

1 comment:

Mr. Jones-Smith-Miller-Sanchez said...

I showed my dad that movie last year, he got a kick out of it. As far as a paper clip thing goes, That's genious.