Friday, June 16, 2006

Has anyone mentioned you look like Butt today?

I've decided its never appropriate to tell someone they look like crap. I mean, if its a costuming choice, that's one thing, but typically its the: "Damn Rob, you look like shit today... are you feeling ok?" "Actually no, Not anymore! I mean I did until you told me how hideous I apparently look right now." Or even if you are sick: "Thanks... you really know how to cheer a fella' up."

When I was sick on Sunday/Monday I had to go to a 3 hour meeting at the Buy. During said period of time, not a person mentioned how crappy I'm sure I looked (unknown to me at the moment, I had quite a fever building up). I don't actually remember talking to anyone at that meeting, which should have struck someone as odd, but hey... I'm not bitter. ANYWHO!

Today I had people tell me twice that I wasn't looking so good and asked if everything was ok. So the last time most of these people saw me I was incredibly miserable and sick, and NOW apparently my appearance warrants a "you don't look so good." Bah! Fine! So apparently this morning I rolled out of the ugly side of the bed, I'll try to do better tomorrow.

And to everyone who scoffed when your mothers/teachers told you to cut up those six-pack rings.


Mr. Jones-Smith-Miller-Sanchez said...

call me mean, but i had to almost laugh because i always wondered how that and if that could ever happen

Anonymous said...

Poor turtle....that's terrible. :*( I can't look/read stuff like that, it makes my heart hurt.


kimberlyb1974 said...

That's the coolest turtle ever.

And could NEVER look like butt. You're so hot.