How was I supposed to know she had full house? It was the really crappy kind of losing too... the kind where she didn't even know that 3 of a kind + a pair = "full house." Eh, what are you going to do. So now I still have $2.46 in my bank and an "I Owe Kyle $5" mark in my wallet. bah, fun was still had by all...
I could quit anytime.
The Answer to the Zombie Trivia:
Only my girlfriend knew the correct answer. I'm not sure what kind of heathen, paganistic world that Scott lives in, but there's no such thing as voodoo. As far as the rest of you...
Do you think this is a game? What, you don't think you win a prize for playing along? I'll tell you what your prize is, the prize is your life! The prize is know what to do when the zombies come. And knowing is half the battle.
Pop quiz hotshot: You've been bitten on the arm by a zombie, what do you do???
Only my girlfriend knew the correct answer. I'm not sure what kind of heathen, paganistic world that Scott lives in, but there's no such thing as voodoo. As far as the rest of you...
Do you think this is a game? What, you don't think you win a prize for playing along? I'll tell you what your prize is, the prize is your life! The prize is know what to do when the zombies come. And knowing is half the battle.
Pop quiz hotshot: You've been bitten on the arm by a zombie, what do you do???
Spank the zombie on the nose with a newspaper, and repeat the phrase, "bad zombie! BAD!" three times while spinning around. Once you become dizzy, but are still able enough to stand, sing a rousing rendition of 'Yankee Doodle Dandy,' find a jellyfish, pee on it so it doesn't sting you, apply freshly peed on jellyfish to arm, wait 30 minutes, and voila! Easy...
If you are bitten by a zombie you know inevitably that you will turn into one (like werewolves) so I say screw this shoot yourself and end your suffering before it starts! If you can't beat em JOIN em!
To answer that question I would just bite someone else.
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