Thursday, August 24, 2006

Class Breakdown

So I had class on Monday and Tuesday... and it went something like this:

A LOT of reading in this class. Actually that's a pretty accurate theme for both of my classes. I'm reading a lot. But this class specifically: 90% of the grade is based on a research paper. So this might be a bit... challenging. What am I going to learn to research this semester? I haven't the slightest. But it is wierd to start thinking that instead of writing papers where I am summerizing other people's conclusions and research, I'll be doing my own. Wierd...

I'll probably really like this class. Teacher seems very interesting and yet this is going to be pretty hard as well. He's giving us two weeks to memorize the Bill of Rights verbatim. It makes sense... I don't like to admit that because that means I have to do it, but it does. When people argue about your rights and whatnot they always say "The First Amendment says ______" and most of the time they really don't know what it says. So in two weeks I'll be given a blank piece of paper and have to write it down word-for-word. I don't think that the original writers could even do that... so suck it Madison.

I've got BOOKS to finish this week for both classes as well as papers due within 3 weeks. Who was that guy that said Grad school was easy? Is there a guy? Did I dream up that guy? If he's real, he needs to be punched in the face.

Oh yeah, and as a side note: 24 days until Springfield is smoke free.

For anyone who liked the ImprovEverywhere Best Buy Takeover will like this. The Home Depot Slow Mo... The freeze frame is the best.

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