Friday, August 18, 2006

Simply Not Noteworthy

All this time, nothing's really been going on:

I'm on the 3rd book of the Ender's Game Series.
Ro and I played World of Warcraft last night.
Ro's been homeless the last week or so.
I found out Best Buy owed me money (never gave me a raise) so I have back pay coming.
Went to the Fair and had Fair Food.
Mom had neck surgery.
Yesterday I had $1200 cash in my pocket.
Still no word on when the Nintendo will come out. (thanks Scott Smith!)
Ro's Birthday is Saturday, and our anniversary on the 5th.
Lady at the bank thought I was married.

So yeah, nothing to post about. All is forgiven, right?


Scott said...

I've explained it to you. Basedo on the availibility of titles, the hints from Nintendo, and most importantly the name itself the Wii is coming out on October 2. Here's why. Write "Wii" with Roman Numerals. There's no "W" but two V's works so we get: VV. And two I's.

VVII. Let's break this down for a second. VV= 10 II=2. 10-2. Or October 2nd. It's RIGHT THERE!

Nextly, what book are you on of the Ender's Game series? I read all of the Bean Quartet and Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead (fantastic), and Xenocide (pretty damn good). From what I've heard though, Children of the Mind is a bitter, bitter disappointment. So I just made up my own ending. You should too.

Tonight you have a mission: seeing Snakes on a Plane.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

that does seem like a lot of stuff to post about, i don't know what your talking about.
1. yay ender and yay bean! i'm reading the books too. we're all nerds
2. WoW??? wow. you guys are even more nerds than i thought. i refuse to be sucked in
3. hahaha... that fact never gets old.
4. yay, rob isn't poor anymore! well... not as poor as before.
5. yummy.
6. i hope everything went swimmingly and that your helping her recover, like a GOOD SON.
7. (see comment #4)
8. personally, i like scotts theory
9. your gonna have so much fun at the bars. i'll see you there... or not.
10. married to ro?? ahahah... thats even better than her being homeless.