Monday, April 03, 2006

The Perfect Storm, Take 2

So I guess it was my punishment for being in Cali during the last one. Springfield obviously thinks that a tornado is something I just really need to experience right now. So I used my cell phone and documented the event. Here's the storm 5 minutes before it hit, we looked it up on the internet back at Geek Squad.

yeah, that white word directly next to all that red (right side) that says "Springfield."

So when the sirens went off we gathered up all the customers in the middle of the store, under the major support beams and away from the huge air conditioning vents and tried to keep everyone calm. Some were pissed (like it was our fault), some were crying, it was a good time. I'm a pretty calm person, but when it roof started shaking and you could hear things slamming around outside and the building was creeking... and then the sliding doors blew inward (they're made to do that under extreme pressure (although its broken nonetheless), I was a little nervous. Here's a pic of everyone in the middle. I wanted to get a ladder and take a nice aeral shot, but lets face it, I didn't want to die.

In the end, besides a few very small leaks and broken doors everything seemed to be fine. Lowe's Hardware apparently got messed up a little and there was a small fire, and you can see some of the damage in the link above, it really wasn't that big a deal... now. THEN, it was a big deal. But no harm, no foul.

Oh yeah, someone stole a CD while we were all there in the middle. The nerve of some people.

One last link, tornado related. An interesting video clip.


Anonymous said...

Hey and just think...tornado season hasn't really officially hit us yet. YAY! It's gonna be a fun spring.

They said there's another storm to hit us Wednesday/Thursdayish.


p.s. If there's another major storm/tornado and you're at home or out and about..feel free to call Adam or myself and come on over to Adam's parents house. That's where we try to get to...they have a huge house with a nice basement...and they live not very far from you...Ginger Creek neighborhood behind Lowes/South Koke Mill.

Anonymous said...

Breyn, very nice of you to offer Rob a place to get to safety directly in the path of the last two storms! Ha ha, I'll stay where I'm at! We didn't even get any hail last night!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was me, Tabitha

Mr. Jones-Smith-Miller-Sanchez said...

it came and went so fast. I was all cuddled up in my front window to watch, had a flashlight ready for when the lights went out, annnnnndddddd!!! Nothing. A high wind storm that lasted 5 mins.

Anonymous said...'s the thing..they predict that this spring is going to be a nasty storm season and I figure it's only a matter of time before it's totally going to hit our area of town. So it is still the best place to go...and with all the storms that came through that area, not one shingle was missing from their house!

I'd take their big basement any day then cramming in our second little bathroom hoping the rest of my house stands up around it.

During the big tornado storm my mother-in-law's employee's house was in the thick of it and they actually had to get into their crawl space because it was so couldn't PAY me enough to get down in my crawl space!!!


Anonymous said...

yay for tornado number two coming to my house!! I am starting to hate where I live. It pretty much ruined all of the 6 trees in our back yard....lucky for me I guess I will be able to tan better in the summer. Thats assuming i have a house by that time. ro told me about the mental image of the old lady...silly boy.


Scott said...

Good post kid. By the way, is there an official explanation for all the weird weather we've been having? Other than global warming? No buzz term like "El Nino" or anything? Wrath of an Angry God for our allowing the homasexuals to live? Just curious.

I really dig that picture of Springfield about to be swallowed by the storm. I drove through that. That's how hardcore this kid is.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

I was down stairs on my computer for 20 minutes and it was sunny. When I came back up stairs it was pitched black the tornado sirens going off and the wind picked up like a hurricane. I love St. Louis like I love Illinois.

Freemama vs The Torando