Thursday, July 07, 2005

Nothing like a nice cool bottle of Hater-ade...

It seems like too long since I've hated on anything. Sure I hated on Scott just a few days ago, but that's an ongoing, burning hatred that I hardly account for anything anymore. So I thought I'd do a quickie to bring you up to date.

Still Hate Paris Hilton

That's right, she wants to be married in Westminster Abbey. Let me tell you, I've been there and it's amazing. You could stack your house on top of itself 2 or 3 times and it would take up a small part of a corner of a small wing that massive church. And Paris's justification is that she believes she is "close enough" to royalty, that she should be allowed to use the church. I highly recommend you reading this short blurb about it, the author is more cynical than even I am.

The Reason for the Foul Mood Today

Walking back into the building from lunch today I passed a car. This car was a brand new silver mustang convertible that was "parked" right outside the front door. I used the word parked very loosely. It was hastily pulled up and lay diagonally across 3 parking spaces next to the door. I can't imagine the mindset of such a man (I pray it was a man, I don't want to imagine a woman with that much pretentious conceit). But I have been working really hard to will something bad to happen to him. I didn't see him, but I'm focusing all my available energy into seeing that karma takes over and he falls face first into a mudpuddle. So if you don't mind, I'd ask all my readers to join me in this. Just focus on the middle-aged man with dark hair (dyed to keep the gray out) and oakleys, driving a silver mustang and let your imagination run wild. If it runs particularly wild, feel free to share your experience with the group.


Anonymous said...

Wow Paris has a lot nerve...I didn't know she was getting married? Is she engaged or is this just for her "future" wedding plans as she has also said she wanted to have a baby by 25 (now isn't that a scary thought!)

Not only do I hate Paris Hilton...I hate that dumb porno commercial of hers for Hardees...and therefore I hate Hardees. (Not to mention they make every male look dumber then a box of rocks...can't untwist a twisty-tie, can't butter your toast, can't breathe without being told...better get to Hardees or you will die of starvation!)

Rob...hope all goes well with your evil vibes...good luck with that. If it really works let me know...i've got a few people I'd like to try that on.


Scott said...

Voodoo mind juju? Sounds like a bit too much effort/dabbling with the occult for me. How about something a little more direct? That's the route I'd take. They're hilarious and cheap. Plus there's the chance that the guy doesn't notice it for awhile and potentially advertises this to everyone around him. And even if he does, he still has to get the thing off.

And now, I'm off to run wild in the streets.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

I agree, Paris is an IDIOT! Closest thing to American royalty! HAH! PLEASE! She's a spoiled little brat who will NEVER have to take responsibility for anything. At least the royal family is forced to be "educated" and they actually contribute to the political world versus being a dumb blonde bimbo who parties too much and contributes NOTHING! Yes Breyn, Paris Hilton is engaged to a man named Paris something. Westminster Abby is a sacred place where "Holy Unions" happen...not a spur of the moment I'm bored and want attention so I'm marrying this guy I'll be divorced to in 5 years ceremony!

Scott~ I'd hate to be on your bad side! However, the bumper sticker is great! That would totally tick off the old bald guy when he realizes it!


Anonymous said...

rob ,
i hate people how park idiots or in handicap spots ,bad krama to them all and just hope i don't get some of those bumper stickers i think they are hilton is a whore and i don't like her.she is dumb.

Anonymous said...

to the girl know as kimmy,
when rob referred to "or i will sic kim on you" i think he was referring to my girlfriend kim she is one of the few people i listen and can control me, to next to rob.

Rob said...

Tabitha, 5 years? Please... you give ENTIRELY too much credit.

Phil, you've just inspired a new post... or ongoing thing for my blog. "Paris Hilton is a whore and I don't like her. She is dumb." That is an awesome quote. Also I was at work all day today and just got your messages, I'll call you tomorrow afternoon.

Scott said...


kimberlyb1974 said...

Shucks...I didn't think he meant me...but you never know. I have been paid in the past to sic people.