Thursday, July 21, 2005

Rob's Bad Movie Guide

The term "Bad Movie" has enough importance to me that I've decided dedicate this post to it. Everyone's seen one, a few people seek them out, and sometimes (like what happened to us) you seek out a bad movie but then are really disappointed when it turns out to be a painfully bad movie. My favorite bad movie night was a few years ago actually:

We rented
Surf Nazis Must Die, Cheerleader Camp, Death Race 2000 and Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity. All of these were High Quality Flicks. Surf Nazis is exactly what the title makes it out to be and does not disappoint. Cheerleader Camp is your stereotypical bad slasher film while Slave Girls is the stereotypical sci-fi/fantasy film about hot alien chicks who don't wear much. Deathrace 2000 is one of Sylvester Stallone's first movies. By the way, the plot is a race across america where you get points for running people down, at one point they wheel the geriatrics wing out of the hospital and put them all in the road. Like I said, great night.

However it doesn't always go that well. Case in point: Josh, Scott and I were looking for a bad movie just the other day. Scott's keen eye had picked out some "baseball-game-of-death" film which we SHOULD have picked up (Scott, help me out with the name of that one.) Instead my lame-self suggested
Hide and Seek. After spending too long at the movie place, I guess since my suggestion was the last one made we went with it. It was a bad movie. But not like a ridiculous bad 80's movie that you can laugh at, or a movie that knows it's gonna be a bad movie and embraces it (Army of Darkness or Dead Alive), instead its just a poor movie. I don't know if it was more or less frustrating because it was a decent movie halfway through, until the "Plot" kicked in... that reminded me a lot of Saw. I hated Saw too for the same reason.

I think that I've got a new idea. I think Scott and I should do a weekly Movie review. We'll take suggestions from you of course. I don't know, what do you think?


Anonymous said...

I have seen far too many bad movies, however I would put Evil Dead 1 and 2 in the catagory becaue they are IDENTICAL to Army of Darkness...why does there need to be three in the series???

Movie review is a good idea.


Rob said...


Evil Dead 1 and 2 are the same movie. They just got a grant/funding to reproduce it the second time around instead of having to use their hand held video camera and My First Microphone playset. Army of Darkness is the sequal to Evil Dead. Class Dismissed.

Anonymous said...

Since we are on the subject of movies ENOUGH WITH THE DARN REMAKES!!!! Can't these writers think of their on movies?. Looks like another REMAKE of King Kong comes to the movie screen late this year or early next year. Oh yes, before I forget Mr. Tom Welling A.K.A Clark Kent from Smallvile is starring in a REMAKE of the 1970s early 80s movie called The Fog.


Scott said...

The movie we should have rented was a little cinematic thunderbolt called Battlefield Baseball. It was basically a Japanese Zombie Baseball film involving spiked bats, and explosive hilarity.

And yeah, movie reviews would be a good idea. We need a gimmicky rating system. I think rather than thumbs up/thumbs down, we say Money or Not Money. It leaves lots of room for elaboration I think. Plus we wouldn't always want to give thumbs up to a really really bad move even though we did enjoy it, so money works here.

This movie? So NOT money it nearly brought about an economic depression.

- Scott

P.S. I wouldn't be surprised if this movie brought around a few actually depressions as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I picked Battlefield Baseball off the shelf. Why do I protest so much about a seemingly inconsequencial point? Because I'm the world's best speller? No, because I get a point for it and that puts me squarely ahead of Scott.
I would also reccomend James Cann in the original Rollerball.

Anonymous said...

rob ,
i recommend anything from the 80's like "the lost boys" or "rollerboys" or really anything that i own.hey i got a idea do porn reviews they are kinda like movies , well o.k. they are but you might find more j-ville people . you should do "diner". it is a first movie for so many actors you would be surprised.and it is not porn.

kimberlyb1974 said...

Heehee....Josh said he was the "world's best speller"...then he misspelled "reccomend" two sentences later. It's recommend.
