Monday, July 18, 2005

Party Time

Scott officially has the most ludicrous gathering I've ever witnessed. If I wasn't at work I'd include pictures here, but you'll take what you can get. The biggest celebration he'd thrown thus far was his "One Year Blogiversary Party," which was as you may have guessed to celebrate the anniversary of his blog. And if you thought that maybe one of the more ridiculous things you've heard of in a while, try this on for size:

The new Harry Potter book just recently came out and Barnes and Noble's had a huge HP Release party. There was (seriously) about a thousand people (they had numbered wristbands) waiting to get their hands on the newest in the series at midnight. I got off work at 11:30 that night and walked across the parking lot to B&N to see what was up. Freaks galore all dressed up in costumes but what we noticed as being the most disturbing were the ones who weren't "in costume." Instead some people were wearing purplish robes and such that were clearly not from the Series, or from your neighborhood costume shop, but instead they probably had an assortment of their own in their closet to choose from. THOSE are the people who freak me out. Anyways, I hung out there and ran into not just Scott as I had expected, but Breyn and her husband, Josh and Allyn, Jacob (whom I hate), Steve, Megan and probably more who I didn't happen across.

After leaving B&N and settling back into the apartment, I walked into a sight that made me laugh out loud and I took pictures to document. Jake, Scott, Steve and Megan were lounging around the apartment all reading their new book in silence. It was almost 3 in the morning. Steve had to work at 6:30 am.... IN JERSEYVILLE. Megan had to be at work at 9. This was ridiculous, they had driven up to Springfield from J-Ville to come to this release party and had just gotten there at like 11 pm. Things like that give me a headache just thinking about.


Anonymous said...

Wow, thats pretty awesome.
same sort of experience over here, except i am partially one of the nerds waiting for the book. although, i did NOT researve a copy nor did i wait til midnight nor dress up. thats just to far.
but i did end up getting the book the next morning (as it should be...) and read it in 2 days. its pretty fantastical, but rob, ur story is similar to my other favorites of yours; soo great. thanks for that!

Scott said...

I was going to post about that today damn it! Oh well. I still am. And it'll have pictures. AND it'll be hilarious. Also, way to steal my observation about the people in wizard robes. But still, it holds true, they are scary. I mean, the few I saw clearly just had them at the house and wore them because they too are 'wizards'. It's really scary to hear "I roll 20's" in reference to a twenty sided dice rather than his ride (or more likely his mom's) sitting on dubs.

Also, methinks you were just jealous because we were reading all about the new adventures of Harry Potter and you were left out. Count yourself lucky you were there at all. Muggle!

- Scott

Rob said...


It was MY intention the entire time to blog about that, and that was why I took pictures in the first place. My camera's battery was dead, so I started using my cell phone. You threw me your keys and "instructed" me to go retrieve your camera from your vehicle. The only reason I didn't jam those keys in your eye was because I knew I'd get better photos from your camera. And why else do you think I transfered them over to my computer that night? So don't you EVEN go there!

Scott said...

Because you love me and didn't have enough pictures of me for the shrine of course. That's right, I opened the closet. I saw it. Where in the hell did you find one of my teeth though?

- Scott

Anonymous said...

I DID NOT HAVE TO WAIT IN ANY LINES MY MOM PICKED IT UP FOR ME WHILE I WAS CAMPING.sorry for the caps i hit the button.anyway down here when you picked up your book you got your picture taken inthe school robes and things from hogwarts in the old black and white antique pictures . it is petty neat.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Boy, how happy is Jacob in that picture? Getting next to sit next to Megan AND read Harry Potter. I bet he even cracked a smile, God bless him.

Anonymous said...

I got my copy the next day, but still haven't finished my other book and am trying to complete it before beginning the new Harry Potter book. I have a 3-hour glucose test on Thursday, where I have to sit in the doctors office for three hours and have my blood drawn every I'll get lots of reading!

It's almost as weird as all the people dressing up and stuff for Star Wars, people who really believe they were Jedis. I forget what country it was (I think England) when they did their census there were so many respond as Jedi as religious beliefs, they actually had to acknowledge it! My hubby got that stat from his dumb Toyfare magazine. Rob (and I don't know Scott, but from what I gather you too) would really enjoy the magazine. It's action figures taht they make into comic books for retarded humor. The mega collection is Twisted Toyfare should look into it!
