Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Best Buy
Had a man and woman in yesterday and the female was looking at purchasing a new computer. They were an infuriating couple, completely computer illiterate, which isn't bad in itself, but when coupled with the fact they believed quite the opposite and LOVED to argue. The guy still believed his $3000 dollar computer he bought 3 years ago was still top of the line, and nearly refused to believe that anything we could sell at "Best Buy" (say it scornfully) would possibly match what he Personalized at "Dell" (say it with choir of angels singing praises). And they both argued, not only with me, but with eachother. See, they were in the final stages of their divorce and she was using part of the money she was taking from him to buy her new computer. That... was awesome.

Had a lady send a check for $51.94. Then she sent another letter saying that she was told the bill was only $51.64 and proceded to tape 3 dimes to the second letter. By my count that puts her .60 over and have wasted more than that in both parties postage. That made me tear up abit because it was so much like AWR.

Point to Ponder
Novelty T-shirts and Hats are a tricksome lot. You buy a hat with a witty picture or text because you find it funny, however because it's on your head, you never get to see it yourself. I've decided next time I see a hat I like, I'm giving it to Scott.

Cool Idea
I think they should ban blackboards in the classrooms and replace them instead with giant Lite-Brite's.


Anonymous said...

First Post!
I totally understand the couple in BB. I personally know several people that are just like that, on the other hand I know a little about computers, what I have siphoned off of my son and husband, and other people think I am a computer wiz! When I say I really don't know that much, they laugh......

Send me the $0.60 if you don't know what to do with it.

Luv Mom F

Anonymous said...

Yah, I know how to work a computer, but nothing about all the technical stuff. It was funny to order one from Gateway, because I was like, whatever. However, even people who know nothing about computers know that one that is three years old is outdated, regardless of where you got it!

I would HATE to be the teacher with Lite-Brite's! I'm a math major and that would SUCK to try to peg out some complicated calculus problem! Not a cool idea!

Some people are funny and don't understand things. Especiall NEVER send cash. You could totally pocket the $0.30 and she'd NEVER be able to prove she sent it! Not that thirty cents is all that much, but you never mail cash!

Enjoy your jobs!


Scott said...

Yeah, because public school kids aren't learning slow enough, we're now teaching them on Lite-Brite's. Those things take HOURS to make a simple friggin star pattern. Let alone diagram a sentence. I can just see it now, "Sorry kids, I'd like to teach you some more but I lost most of the colored pieces. We just have clear, and no one really likes those anyway. Class is dismissed". And that little scene took place 10 minutes into class.

Oh also, my head won't accommodate ball caps. It's too big. However, those faux cowboy hats that are frayed and have wire in the brim so they are all rolled up (the kind the sell at Abercrombie), those fit me perfectly. It's weird. Too much brains seems like the most likely cause.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Enough of the computer technology I can barley keep up. Botherway, Rob & Rene` we just got dumped on with 4,000 pieces of mail for today thought you both would want to know that. Here is another match up for you Mr. Rob The killer clown from the movie IT vs one of the killer clowns from outerspace.


Anonymous said...

good morning everyone ,no wait ,what is so good about it.
so as you can tell rob i am again in one of my hate everything moods .i think the lite bright is no good .no afense.the problem with the lady and the change is that we just shot her or any stupid people anyway thats all i really got unless i can go off on a tangent about many other things and can use the "F" word alot .i mean alot. but it seams p.g. around hereunless , yes i found the porn rob and yes i had to look

kimberlyb1974 said...

This is a PG-rated site?!

Oh fucking-dammit! I hate that shit!


Rob said...

Porn? I assume you mean our little Jerseyville Superstar that I blogged about earlier. And yeah, I understand... when someone you know makes it into "the business", you gotta see for yourself.

As for everything else, just go play some Bocce Ball or come up here and we'll play some Urban Golf and Bocce in Springfield.

kimberlyb1974 said...

PS - New Foamy!