Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bringing You New Music...

Alright, so I'm going to start running out of excuses soon for not posting. BUT THAT TIME IS NOT NOW. I've got a 10 pager due tomorrow, and have 2 take home finals to do... plus I'm still pulling both jobs. I expect another week of milking this and then I'm going to have to develop a pattern. Anyways, here's something for you:

Free music on the internet. You tell it a band to start with, it plays that artist and then tries to play similar. You tell it if you like or don't like the song and you can add more artists to the list for it to draw from. The 3rd artist it played for me I had never heard before, but I liked a lot (Forgotten not Forgiven, by Just Surrender). Its like Yahoo's Launch but it claims to be "smarter." Anyways, its free, you don't even need a sign in name, and it gives you something to listen to at work/home. MAN! I like the 4th song too (I Know, by None Other).

Anyways back to my paper.... For anyone who cares, it's on "Women's Rights and the Workplace" or something. Seriously... TEN pages?? How many different ways can you say "She needs to get back in the kitchen."**

And I'm out like Jessica Simpson in a spelling bee.

** Its lines like that that's going to screw me over in my political future. Eh, at least "I" think I'm funny...


Rob said...

Oops... So apparently after like 10 songs you do have to Sign-Up... but its still good. You can make multiple radio stations. So only give it artists that you think are similar in one station so you don't confuse it. I have "New Rock" "Punk/Rock" and "Industrial/Rock" myself.

Anonymous said...

So you had time to surf this new music thing but no time to post until 12:48am. Bah!

I feel cheated.

I'm moving to Scott's blog.


Rob said...

FINE!! Go to Scott's Blog! See if I care! But you should know, Scott hates kittens and eats babies.

Anonymous said...

Yah, Rob with words like that, you are not going to very far in politics. Women make up a good portion of votes, and have great influence over how men vote! You're screwed!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been on maternity leave and have no internet at home! However, I have read a good portion of your backed logs, and feel pretty caught up on everything!


Anonymous said...

Dam you Rob! I'm reading old posts and my Norton just told me it detected the trojan virus!


Rob said...

Sorry Mom, Didn't realize you were a Jessica Simpson Fan ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow Rob, I'm goin to have to ban your blog or somethin, start a petition against u being able to abuse Jessica Simpson like that...
oh and the women in the kitchen statement!!!
- Nida

Scott said...

Oh Tabitha, those things you think; they're adorable. Women and influence. You should post a disclaimer, I was drinking something! I could have ruined my monitor. Still, that was pretty hilarious.

- Scott

Scott said...

Well it looks like you found yourself a good woman. Or at least trained her to the point that she's presentable. I congratulate you Rob.

Now if we could just overturn sufferage... I mean we really can't be held accountable for laws of that period. Seriously we also made alcohol illegal! Clearly not the strongest decisions we've ever made.

- Scott

kimberlyb1974 said...

I like the way Scott spelled it "sufferage." As in suffering over suffrage? Funny.

Anonymous said...

You are soooooo lucky we read this after you left! We'll catch up with you at your other job! You Creton, you! What a neanderthal!

kiss, kiss