Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Desperate for a Post

So I'm way late. And need to get something up. So here you go.

Amazing Pencil Carvings

The DiVinci Code Trailer

Its almost a new year... time for a new windows wallpaper!

(PS, I stole these from Diggnation... sorry)

Alright Josh and I are meeting Ro in Bloomington... Now. Going rock climbing. Later!


Anonymous said...

um Rob I don't think anyone cares for this post.

Better luck next time.


Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I am just glad that Rob is so behind in his blogging...I can actually keep up with him! I don't know if you can imagine how behind one gets when you're off for six weeks, then have two deaths in the family, a sick kid, and a baby who has to go to the doctor, so the three weeks you are back at work, you're not there a full week! THIS IS CRAZY!

Thanks for slacking Rob...helps me out a lot!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Rob! Hope Santa brings everything you asked for.


p.s. since it is the holidays ill ignore this drought of posting...just don't let it happen again.