Thursday, December 01, 2005

Old Dogs and New Tricks

So, one thing I'm sure I'll end up doing is helping on a campaign or something. Its just something you do as a political studies major. Kinda like Actors and waiting tables (Tim, have you applied at the Olive Garden yet?). But anyways, one thing I was always going to promote was the usage of new mediums for the candidates to get a really personal touch to their campaigns. For example, I really like Barack Obama after listening to his podcast. He's funny and it seems less politized, like I said: really personal feeling. Something new I found was Republican Speaker of the House Denny Hastert's Blog. Its really funny, because he's like:
"This is Denny Hastert and welcome to my blog. This is new to me. I can't say I'm much of a techie... ...I'm excited. This is the future. And it is a new way for us to get our message out."
Hey, it's enough for me to really give him a chance. I know it's his marketing people pushing him to do it to "get more in touch" with the younger generation... I know exactly how this works, nonetheless, it does make me more interested in what he has to say.

Full Time Update
So here's something that I'm waiting for the paperwork for so I can verify... Apparently Best Buy has a Higher Education Reimbursement Program of some sort. I've heard rumors of them giving like $4,000 a year. I'll keep you updated.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Yeah, because there's an Olive Garden right around the corner at freaking Belmont and Halsted. Moron.

Scott said...

Maybe you could work at a Gay Bar then?

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Just when you are going to run for office Mr. Rob French King of the Universe? Oh yea! Bob says hello.

Freemama vs King Kong

Rob said...

when you refer to "Bob" are you refering to me, or Jen's Bob? I'm not familiar with a "Ro's Bob"

Anonymous said...

whoa..maybe all this time Ro thought your name was Bob ....or that could just be the name of her real boyfriend
