Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Linda's Husband is a Jerk

Jerk totally hung up on me. These last few days at Bunn I'm assisting with some follow up phone calls. Its awesome. Why? Because I'm calling Cahnadia. They say things funny and it makes my afternoons interesting. It's not telemarketing at all, we had issues with their coffee brewers and they sent it in for repairs, I'm just making sure they got everything back ok. Everyone I've talked to so far have been really nice, and all have funny accents. Well, they were all real nice until frickin' Linda's Husband. I was like, "Hi, is Linda there?" and the Sonovaexplicitive hung up on me. Linda, if you're reading this, you can do better. Dump him. There are a lot of fish in the sea. A lot of nicer, more socialable people. Jerk.


Scott said...
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Scott said...

One time my Dad was totally pissed at me and my brother (pretty justifiably, I think we just broke something valueable or somesuch shenanigan). Anyway in the midst of his yelling at us, the phone rings. It's a telemarketer. He didn't know that at first of course, and answered it politely, if tersely. He then discovered it was a telemarketer and said "What's your name?" "Ok Mary, well I'd like you to take your credit card and shove it up your ass." He said it so evenly, so faux calm... it was hilarious. But we were in trouble. So when he turned back to us there was this moment of silence, then HUGE laughter from everyone.

What I'm saying here is that I wish you would have gotten one of those. They're great. And I just about pee'd my pants recounting this.

- Scott