Friday, November 11, 2005

Politics: Revolutions

So a few weeks ago in class, I realized something. I was trying to pinpoint why I had slipped into politics in the first place. And... it was Bush. War on Terror, Katrina Response, Iraq, all that aside, some presidents are known for "unifying the nation," and Bush will quite possibly be known for segregating the nation. It never really hit me until I was looking at local election stuff. Know why I'm looking forward to this governor race? Because I actually have a choice. I didn't feel like there was any choice in the last presidential election. 90% of the country was either voting pro-bush or anti-bush. I've allied myself with the democrats (the anti-bush). But here's the thing. I don't think I'm as strongly democrat as I've thought, you just get swept up in it all and become one or the other.

My views on some "hot button" issues definitely go against the "conservative right" For example, I'm heavy into equality and always have. I do not put up with ignorant people or 'ists (racists, sexists, etc.) And in that same vein I am totally for gay rights. I believe there should be a separation of church and state (and schools) in one sense... BUT they shouldn't impose atheism on us either.

The thing of it is, there's A LOT more to politics than Guns, Gays and God. I'm not going to vote straight Democrat, and I'm open to an alternative to Blagojevich. He's made a few bad decisions (regarding the budget for example) but he's not entirely bad. I'm trying to figure out if Topinka is quirky or crazy. And either way if she's a better choice to be governor. I'm definitely open and looking forward to what's coming. And I think it'd be cool if we could talk about some of the local stuff here. As long as we remember that neither are "evil" and wholely corrupt, and keep a good head on our shoulders, there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to talk about local stuff. right?


Anonymous said...

My opinion its gotten to the point that neither one of the parties impress me very much any anymore. Lets all vote independent! NOT!!! Just stay the course like our President says.

Bother way, are you and Ro still watching Smallvile? I hope so.


Jake said...


Scott said...

I want a party that in no way resembles any other. Ideologically I realize there's going to overlap, but culturally, I want it to be completely disparate. As it is, you have Republicans who believe this, and vote this way, and Democrats who believe that and vote that way. Everything else about them is fairly similar (at least those who "represent" the party in official positions). What I want is a group of people who take themselves far less seriously, while at the same time taking their beliefs far more seriously.

Until there's a party like that... I'm voting for whoever I dislike least.

- Scott