Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Since no one seems to CARE about my big news!!! Maybe it was too many WORDS! Here's some pretty moving pictures for you to be entertained by!

Awesome Rendition of Canon in D.
Awesome Christmas Lights Display set to music.

my genius is never fully appreciated...


kimberlyb1974 said...


I just have to hide from the corporate spies before responding!

Nice job, kiddo.

Scott said...

Congrats man. I'm happy that now all you have to worry about is a full time job and school. Also you might actually have a shot at a day off every now and then. And sleep! And maybe a social life. Ok, let's not get carried away here. But still, the hanging out factor for your life just increased 10 fold. So... that's good.

- Scott

P.S. I went to sleep after you left, and napped for like five hours. Damn.

Anonymous said...

My love, Robert... I left you a comment on your previous entry.


Anonymous said...

That was too many updates in ONE day!!!
- Nida
Yeah, I blame you!

PS. Yay for being full-time. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah i read the previous post and response...i think i just threw up a little in my mouth. ew

congrats on the promotion...aren't medical benefits great?


Rob said...

Kimmy: Thanks! I know you care. I was just being over-dramatic and hyper-sensitive. Remember, Damn the Man... or, err... Damn the Pat? whatever.

Scott: Yeah, also in the list of things that I'm looking forward too: Not only medical benifits, but get this, COLLEGE ASSISTANCE!!! And I won't have to close every night and wake up early every morning. Its going to be great. Its been a long time since I've had even a day off a week, and days I could sleep in.

Ro: you are talented. you just wait 'till you get a shot at Guitar Hero. YOU TOO can be a rawk star. (the awk makes it more hardcore.... kinda like saftey pins in your shirt.)

Konica: Thank you, my little creepy stalker friend. Its good to know that someone at Best Buy cares.

Nida: "Whateva' I do what I want!"

Breyn: Heck ya they are... refer to Scott's responce :)