Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Early Gift Giving

Sorry for the lack of posting. This weekend I was pretty ill, and I still wasn't feeling so hot on Monday. I couldn't think of anything interesting, and didn't want to just complain about being sick, so that's just what happened. I'm feeling better today so here's my question for you all. What's your views on early gift giving? You know, when you buy someone a christmas present WAY early and you know they could use it right now, so you feel guilty/dumb hanging onto it for another 2 months just so they can open it on the right day. Like Jamie can potentially buy me some christmas decorations for my apartment on their "Day after Thanksgiving Sale" at Meynards, but there's no point in her giving them to me ON Christmas. And I've got something for my parents that I think they'd really like to have now, but I can't seem to justify waiting until Christmas to give it.... but then they need SOMETHING to open on Christmas, right??

Tomorrow: Best Buy's Hell Day Preview: Day after Thanksgiving, 3000 customers, projected budget of $800,000. I'm scheduled 16 hours that day.


Anonymous said...

I say if they need the item or could really use it now then go ahead and give it to them.

My Aunt-In-Law is all about shopping with everyone so they can pick out what they want but she won't let you have it until Christmas day. (so you are opening a gift that you already know about)

I told her that since my sister in law needed the gift now that she should just take a picture of it and wrap the picture in a box so that Heather could see and remember "oh yeah that's what she gave me..thanks..it's worked out great."

She didn't seem to like that idea very much.

You don't necessarily HAVE to have a gift to open that day...isn't the point supposed to be about togetherness and being with family..not necessarily the gifts anyways? :)


kimberlyb1974 said...

Whoa...16 hours? That's bogus.

Unless you get paid double-time...then that's oh-so-sweet.

I say, give them the present ahead of time. Of course, I give presents year-round because I get people things when I see the perfect gift, and I tell myself that I can hold on to it until Christmas...even if it IS June. Then, three days later I can't take the suspense anymore and I just give it to 'em.

To counter this action, I usually just shop on Christmas Eve...that's the absolute best time to go to the malls. I love all the shoving and swearing and little old ladies barking orders...


Josh said...

I choose not to comment on anything you say, but I will reblow your mind with this:

Josh said...

alright, let's set this up, orient yourself so one of your rooks is on h8, opposite my rook on h1. Your move, I'm pretty sure, was e5. Wam-Bam. I'll give you a call after class