Monday, November 07, 2005

Doing Grown Up Things.

Sorry for the lack of posting but I DON’T HAVE INTERNET!!!!!

Ok, so I moved into my new place and everything worked out pretty well. I even had a dinner party with Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Jamie, her boyfriend, Ro and myself. This whole moving process is exhausting, I slept like a rock last night. But today I’ve got a full agenda as well:

1) Cingular. My cell phone bill and service has been screwed up since June. I’ve gone to speak with sales reps, dozens of times, each time I was told it would all get straightened out. I’ve had numerous problems and its time to give them an ultimatum.

2) Insight Cable. Getting my internet back. Scott and I’s wireless solution isn’t working too well. Mainly it’s going to require me to dump even more money into it than I’d like for an unstable internet connection.

3) City Light and Power. Apparently I’ve got to put the electric bill in my name… lame.

4) Bank. Union Planters has changed to Regions Bank… Gotta get new checks and make sure my online payments are still working.

5) Bed, Bath and Beyond. I need shower curtains.

6) Best Buy. I need a battery for my clock.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

I think you should do the battery thing first. It sounds the easiest. Plus, you work at Best Buy.

Anonymous said...

bed bath and beyond for shower curtains....i thought you were poor? someone has expensive has cute shower curtains!!!!! love ya

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Ro, that is quite honestly the most ghetto thing I have ever heard.