Friday, December 30, 2005

Stop Yelling At Me!!!

That wasn't to you, that was to the voices in my head. They tell me to do mean things, and say mean things about people. They also yell at me for not updating my blog... oh wait, no... that's you guys. Well actually that's good. I need more of that so I stay on task. But back to the voices: See, Josh and Tim write it off as a funny sort of game where they do things in their head that is funny in a cartoony way. In my head the voices always just tell me the most offensive things to say at that moment in time, and I always have to tell them to be quiet because no one else would think that is funny. They are evil, and make me laugh.

Ok, interesting new time waster on our hands here. It is pretty addictive and also makes you feel like you're on Acid. Check out Mono, a free downloadable game where you have to shoot the colored balls and well, that's about it. But don't let that fool you, it's addictive. Only problem is that you actually have to install it, rather than play it on a website.

The holidays are going great for me, I used Christmas money to buy myself a new car alarm/remote start/power windows/set the car on fire/remote trunk thingamagig. Oh yeah, and I didn't pay NEAR what that website is charging.

Finally, someone punch this kid in the face. Please.


Anonymous said...

Punch the kid in the face?? Hell I say punch the parents in the face!


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Happy new year! Punches in the face for everybody!