Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday's Missing Post...


So Monday I was gone all day with the family in St Louis. I had a post prepared--I wrote it in my head while showering. However when I went to make it, there was an Internal Server Error and I couldn't. I even tried posting a comment to let everyone know that I tried, wouldn't let me do that either. Anyways, here's your update:


PSYCE! (man, Psyce should have never died.) Alright, I didn't really get a job. I have a job Tues & Wed but that's it. Just doing "I don't know what" for some extra cash. Lets face it, I need it. My old temp agency just called me outta the blue and asked how things were going, and if I wanted a job. I said yes. More on this Wednesday's Post I'm sure... speaking of which, this is Tuesday's post here. I realize it's still technically Monday, but that's just 'cause I didn't want to wake up early in the morning to write this.

Here's what I've been thinking about lately... Those cheap rubber bracelets. When Lance Armstrong started that campaign with his LIVEstrong bracelets, I thought to myself... Hey, that's a good idea. They're super cheap (just a few cents) and then 100% of the profit goes to a charity. However, what I've been seeing lately is sickening. Seriously, I've seen every organization and their mom producing one of these things... and that instantly put it in the same category as those magnetic ribbons everyone has on their vehicles (at first, GREAT idea). I hate it when a van has like 9 or 10 on the back... it just cheapens the whole thing. But what has really pissed me off was the "Git 'er Done" bracelets and the "Coon Hunter" camouflage bracelets I saw (example1, example2). Makes me want to kill. Just like the (Man) + (Woman) = Marriage Bumper Stickers (by the way, asshole with that sticker, yes it was me who keyed your SUV). Now if you'll excuse me, I have to work tomorrow and now I'm partially worked up. This is going to lead to some messed up dreams... probably where I hurt someone.

Eh, who am I kidding, those are my favorite kinds.
I need to seek help.


Anonymous said...

I am truly glad that you are doing something right now it has been a drought for you. I hope you and Ro saw last weeks episode of Smallville we all actually saw the true evil side of Lex Luthor(there goes mr. nice guy) and now his dad is back to his old self again. I really do not like where all of this is headed dealing with Lex and his father Lex is cool playing as the good guy. I don't know if I want to watch next year episodes.


Anonymous said...

Rob I think you have way too much time on your hands to be worry about what people are wearing or pasting to their cars. You should really find an alternative means of letting out your aggression there.

I had an English teacher in college who was so snotty about her little liberal ideas that she even told us how when she saw Pro-Life bumper stickers on peoples cars she would take a black marker and cross out life and write Choice over it. It's people like that that really PISS ME off!! Not only is it plain rude but it's destruction of private property!!

I don't go around keying or scratching out things where people have "Pro-Abortion or Pro-Gay or Anti-Bush or Anti-War or Anti-Marriage or Anti-Christianity" symbols plastered. I don't expect them to vandalize my things so why would I do that to there's. I have better things to do. Shows who the mature ones really are.


Anonymous said...

It would be pretty bogus if Rob really did key that car, but I have a feeling he's just being sarcastic...Robby, tell me I'm right here.

The bumper sticker I have on my car says, "I love Carbs", so I hope there's no Dr. Atkin's nutjob followers gathered out there right now plastering my car with steaks and mayonnaise, while I sit at AWR enjoying my Orange Creamslush from Sonic. Mmmmmmmmmm.....Carb-o-Licious!

I only have one more week left of this supervisor crap and then hopefully I will be able to go back and bitch about my reconciliations in privacy. Well, semi-privacy.


Scott said...

*Gasp* You mean to say that Rob is occasionally sarcastic? Come on people, he was joking. We're talking about the Crowned King of Sarcasm here. The guy who once sarcasm-ed me into going to Hooters to meet him. Trust me, sarcasm is just hard to get on the internet. Sadly there's no way to type in a "tone". Anyway I'm off to post something less epic on my blog, later for now.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

The bracelets really are getting out of control. Sometimes I see people wearing them and wonder if they actually care about why it's on their wrist or if it's just a new and trendy fad to them. I am also a huge fan of "Psych!" and "Made ya look!" Brings back memories...

Lastly, I would like to congratulate Rob on having a job for two days! I am proud of you (and you're very lucky that your temp agency loves you). I hope you have fun doing whatever it is that they're making you do. Rob got a job and that is what is REALLY important in this post. I don't really like it either when people are closed minded and think they can put a whole intelligent argument onto a bumper sticker, but that is life and we have to deal with it.

P.S. I did see Smallville. I LOVE Lex. Bad or good, he's TOTALLY scorching either way. He was so cute when he was all tied up and crying. I wanted to hug him. And then tell the other Lex to keep being such a bad boy. I LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

Oh please like I would actually believe Rob keyed a car. The statement just reminded me of someone who actually had vandalized someone's car. I don't think Rob has the nerve to do something like least in a hateful way. :)

Rob congrats on the 48 hours of non-joblessness hope it goes well and may you be granted another 48 hours for doing such a great job!! yay!!


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