Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Woah, Hold the Phone

Is this disention amoungst the ranks? Tabitha and Melinda... what do you think you are doing? Maybe you missed the memo about your role to blindly worship and obey me. And those weren't the only two, you've left me little choice but to call each of you out individually right now.

Tabitha: You said that it was great that I got away from my recent string of "semi-serious" postings? I can ONLY assume that by that you mean that I cut straight to the MOST SERIOUS posting of all. Because if for one second I thought you were trivializing my lustrious blackjack career by calling it anything less than serious... well... there may be children who read this blog and you're lucky I'll cut it off there. We'll just say that I'm Disgusted. Consider all your future postings ignored until you appoligize, not just to me, but to the entire Blackjack World.

Melinda: I almost let you slide because for the most part I agree with you. Trust me, I've seen firsthand the kind of idiots that colleges will slap a nice title onto. Just ask Ro about the girl who (in her own words) was "too stupid to live" and is going to be teaching blind kids soon. However the reason for this repremand is simple. By speaking poorly of all titles, you have indirectly attacked me and my title: Mr. Rob "The Supreme Ruler of Life, The Universe and Everything" I know this was unintential, so I'll let it slide as long as you address me this way in your next posting. Unlike Tabitha, I doubt you set out to malaciously destroy a perfectly legitamit social structure.

Jamie: Don't backtalk or I'm aluminium foiling your dogs legs again so she can't stand on the tile floors. If your allegid "birthday luck" was truely with me, I would have walked away from there with a good $15 more dollars at least. But NO, instead of my Ace, YOU gave me a 5. From which I had to use all of my own natural skill to comeback from. Forget it, I'm foiling the dog reguardless.

Breyn: I'm not working for Pixar. I never wanted to work for Pixar. That's YOUR dream, not mine. Stop trying to live your life through me! I'll never be the boy you wish I was. Why can't you just love me for who I am?! I'm not who you wanted me to be, just accept it! I don't want to play! I don't like rough games! I don't like football! I wanna be a dancer Daddy!





Anonymous said...


I apologize. I did not mean to belittle Blackjack. I just meant that your ordeal was entertaining to your audience, and there was suspense and laughter involved. There have been few posts that have made me actually laugh lately, and that was all I meant. I mean no disrespect to you or the blackjack community.


Anonymous said...

I would just have to say "whatever" to Tabby's little apology above. I mean come on...she still thinks blackjack sucks. She's just trying to suck up to you, for whatever unknown reason. know what DOESNT suck?? PIXAR that's what! I mean who (with a degree in art technology) would not want to work there!?

"To Infinity and Beyond"

Anonymous said...

I'm so so sorry Master Rob French King of the Universe please forgive me don't have my head on a platter for display. You know that I'm a sweet, nice and loveable person.


Scott said...

Ok, so I leave town and Rob suddenly becomes a tyrannical title demanding dictator? Tisk tisk. Kids today, either they too lazy to get dressed, or they try to become the head of a totalitarian regime. Anyway, I'm currently holding it down in Seattle and let me tell you, it's pretty awesome. I'm about to make a quick post on my blog about it.

Oh and Rob? There is some news on the Kristin Kreuk front. Just thought I'd dangle that little bit of info out there.

- Scott