Tuesday, April 26, 2005

That's Master French, to you...

So when someone get their doctrate, they are refered to as Dr. So-and-so. So I think that if you get your masters, it should have similar applications. And I think I'd rather have my mail come to me as Master French rather than Dr. French anyways. Alright, I guess I should clue you all into what the hell I'm going on about. Am I definately going back to school and getting my masters? No, I am however taking steps right now to leave that option available to me if I want to.

I've said before that I wouldn't mind picking up a night class or something when I got to Springfield, well in order to do that I need to be accepted by the university. And its no secret that I've been looking at government jobs (city/county/state/federal) so what could help me better than picking up a political studies class or two? University of Illinois at Springfield is one of the best schools in the state (for obvious reasons... state capital). And the master's program pretty much said they'd accept me (my grades weren't too bad at ISU). All it takes is 10 classes, two internships and BAM! I'm a master. And I will command that respect that I therefore rightfully deserve.

Also of importance, there's a massive job fair in Springfield this weekend. And yours truely will be in attendance. I'll have my fingers crossed and we'll see how it works out. I mean, this is what I've needed right? A face to face interview opportunity... I'm cute, I'll just let that do all the work.

So... That's the semi-important stuff I needed to get out. From the looks of it, you guys liked my last post. I do more of that later, I just had to get all of the above out and in the open. Let's see... in the meantime, for those of you who love the sunday funnies. Now you can have them EVERYDAY!!! Talk to you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hey, the last post was the funniest thing you have ever wrote. I was present sitting next to you during the whole ordeal and it was still funny. I printed here at work (police department) and the officers laughed their ass's off (they said to tell you that).
As far as Master French? Not at home anyway, maybe you get your maid to call you that though... inside joke. Good luck, you know I support whatever you do. Mom French

Anonymous said...

Political Science huh? Does this mean you are thinking of future goals for the presidency?

I hear UIS has a really good Computer Science grad program. I'm sure a masters in that from there would look pretty impressive on a resume being submitted to Pixar.


Anonymous said...

Some of these companies just want you to go back to school just to say you have a title. There are alot of intellegent people that can do some of these jobs that the company is asking them to do without having all of those degrees. Besides, some folks just might not have the money to do that. (I'll go back to school only if your company pays for it).

Freemama vs The Title

Anonymous said...

Get an apt here in Springfield already, get a job doing anything, I know that both the Gap and Panera's is hiring, just to get you in the know. If you're in town this weekend, you've got anything you need.