Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Feral Children

Alright, so some of you may know/seen that my electric razor has been... well useless the past few days. I had to order a new head/blades for it, because instead of cutting the hair, it has been doing much more of a ripping/tearing sort of shave. This is, well, because I'm a hairy guy and go through razors faster than Kim goes through guys. No it's not you Kimmy, its someone who doesn't read this blog... and really only one person will get that, but they'll probably show it to everyone else who will get it and it will be fun for all - well except for 95% of my audience... eh, I digress. I expected to get my new parts in today, but that hasn't happened yet. It's now been a week since I've shaved and I'm looking quite like a wolf man. I'm gonna take a picture right before I do shave to show everyone how pretty I am.

Anyways, on collegehumor I found this link about Feral Children. ahem...
Feral: Wild, used to describe animals that are usually not domesticated, like cats or pigs.
So there you go. That's what we're talking about here. Right now I feel a bit feral, or at least look it. So that's how this pertains to me. Here's the website. So you can see stories and pictures of children who were raised by animals. There. Cool, huh? What I want to know is, what animal would you liked to have been raised by, and what super cool animal skill would you take away from that experience? (note, doesn't have to make sense)

Anyways, that's what I got for you today. I'm posting a picture very soon, and will give you some better content then as well. Until that time, I hope you all keep coming back to my crappy website!


Rob said...

I want to be raised by Police Dogs. So I can learn to sniff crack. I mean, sniff out crack. The drug... not a persons'. And to discover it by means of my nose, not to just sniff it... eh, nevermind.

Anonymous said...

And I thought my kid was wild! He seems tame compared to these kids! Glad my kid wasn't raised by wolves, but I'd swear he was born in a barn!

Thanks for keeping me entertained Rob! It's always nice to have something to do at work besides work!


Anonymous said...

The truth about the razor/blades is that I ordered the pack as a birthday gift since the set is 38.00 dollars. Some people just use BIC razors 5 for .99 but no not Rob's burly beard..... He is getting out of control.... Love ya Rob

Scott said...

"I want to be raised by Police Dogs. So I can learn to sniff crack."

Do you realize that I almost had an aneurysm because of all the jokes that flooded my mind after reading that. All I could eek out in coherent thought was "Too...many...jokes...cannot... make...them..all...must...not...try"

It was rediculous. Surely you realized what you were posting at the time. That's dangerous MAN! You could have killed me, or others. In the future, blog more carefully.

- Scott

P.S. And I love the word Feral.
P.P.S. I saw you about 5 days ago, and your stubble was considerable. I can't imagine what kind of thick Russian Beard you must be sporting at this very moment. WE DEMAND PICTURES!

Anonymous said...

AAHAHAHAHA. I don't even remember what the rest of this post is about, but all I do know is that I am definitely doing the signs for "stupid dirty whore" right now.

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed...here it is, TWO days with posts AFTER 2...I thought you were going to work on posting earlier....