Monday, March 28, 2005

Woohoo! We're back online!

Alright, so my sites' been down for a while. Last friday I really did type a post, however when I tried to publish it.... BAM! error message. And the post was lost forever. The few others who have posted before (Tim, Scott, Ro & WendyLoo) probably know how hard it is to come up with stuff to write about, and then how completly frustrating it is when you lose it due to technical difficulties. But ANYWAYS...

Here's my quest for everyone today: Mr. Picassohead. Yep, that's mine. And I WANT to see yours. So make your own. Send it via email to yourself. And then copy and paste the link in my comments section to share yours with the world!

My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle & Voltron post will have to come another day, 'cause I'm just not feeling it at the moment. But I am feeling Mr. Picassohead. And I AM expecting to see everyone else's Mr. Picassohead. Kimmy, you're in charge of making sure everyone at AWR gets their head submitted and posted right. Everyone else, I KNOW you can figure it out. I expect to see some heads! Have a great Monday.


Rob said...

Yay! Comments work again!

Scott said...

Oh snap! I wish you'd done this like 2 or 3 months ago, I had a kick ass Picassohead. I'll have to try to remake it. Anyway, I know that pain my friend. You get a great post done, filled with witty jokes and passable grammar, then you go to post it and POOF it's gone. Completely vanished from the face of the internet. It sucks, and you rarely feel like writing it again right away. The last time it happened to me, I seriously felt like I had been robbed.

Anyway, I have made a few I'd like to share. Click on their titles to see the actual work. Without further ado:

Angry Man Smells Violent Fart. Note the strength of the fart actually blowing his hair back.

Next up, the The Small Headed Frenchman. Even his snooty, overpriced, extra-long cigarette looks rediculous next to his small head.

and finally:
Hide the Kids. Terrifying...just terrifying.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Yeah, my Picassohead isn't great...but it's how I'm feeling today.

I miss you.

Please come back. We're acquiring empty work spaces on a daily basis here.

Thankfully I don't have to be supervisor for the next two weeks! However, Jim from Adecco has provided much inspirational support here....we've evn cut out his picture and I've put it on my bulletin board. I love that guy...that's the best thing you've posted in ages.

BTW, what's up with saying I'd find the "Secret" thing on Adam Sandler's site funny? You're going to start rumors here about me, and you know how the rumors spread at AWR...

~Willy Wonkered

Scott said...

Hey Wendyloo, if you aren't going to post your picture I'll do it for you. Here it is, Rainy Day Wendyloo. That's what you get for not sharing your art with the world. Now I'm off to post on my blog, and possibly get a haircut.

- Scott

The Melan'jack said...

Didn't I... post.. at some point? Where'ditgo? Oh blogger, you wretched whore, with your fickle adherence to the laws of comment posting. WHY DO YOU SPURN ME?!

Thank you, Scott, for reposting my Picassohead. I hereby give you permission to carry a man purse.

Anonymous said...

My Ode To Rob....

I like to call it "Skinny Man Making Legs Look Bigger aka Rob French"

