Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Dawn of a New Era

Its funny how one line can threaten to derail a post. 'Cause that's all it was. Let's review the pertinent parts of that last post. For starters I'm making money for the first time since January (excluding Tax Refund). And following that was my dialogue on those Rubber Bracelets. I liked the originals (great idea) and how it was bastardization by "Git 'er Done" rip offs (hollow get rich scheme). Finally at the end I took a slight shot at an annoying employee at AWR (with the 10 ribbon comment... I'm sure I mentioned that while I worked there) and then I decided to try and "slip in" a joke about the general ridiculousness in the world. Here's what I think (refer to "Rob's World" in the sidebar at the left) and almost posted about several times:
"Any anti-gay legal movements out there now will eventually lose - because separate but equal is bullshit. And other than that you have to say that Homosexuals have less rights than the rest of us... because we all have the right to love and family. If it's against your religion fine, your religion can ban it. You can ban it... Don't marry a homosexual. If knowing that homosexuals are married "cheapens the sanctity of marriage" and lessens your personal relationship - Wow. I feel sorry for you. Until the mid 60's interracial marriages were still illegal too (Loving v. Virginia). If you fail to see the connection, there's a reason they call it being "close-minded." Hey but maybe you're right. If you try and make life hard enough for homosexuals, maybe they'll go away. Maybe its just a disease and you can be the cure."
That's what I have wanted to say. That's what I've probably started to go into numerous times on my blog--along with the Terri Shiavo Case, Politics of ANY sort, International Affairs and Religion to name a few. But I always censor my posts for the sake a few people, because I they take them as personal attacks or something and go on the aggressive-defensive. Because I know I can't go anywhere near those without all out Armageddon again. But I've decided that its ridiculous for me to go SO far out of my way when it doesn't matter anyways. I can't win. I tried to "slip in" a joke on my own blog. What the hell is that? I knew as I was typing that it might "be too touchy" and that probably bothers me more than anything... the fact I have to go through that sort of thought process. Did anyone notice it was an SUV? I picked the ultimate self-righteous republican mobile. Anyways, I'm done. The Good News is that the posts should start getting better again 'cause I've got tons of backed up material to work with. So start getting excited! Even if you don't want to comment on this particular post - I understand. But starting Thursday, I'm expecting greatness from you.


The Melan'jack said...

You know, I used to be one of those few, those proud, those patient liberals who would sit and chat with some ig'nant Republican redneck and try to explain to them the liberal point of view. It didn't matter how calm and rational I was, it didn't matter how light and jokey I tried to keep it, the closed-minded react to open-mindness with blind agression and such argument-winning responses to logical statements as, "Yeah, well... you're fat!" or some long-winded series of expletives that are often creative and entertaining but rarely reasonable.

I learned that eventually, you have to give up. People won't change their minds until they want to and hardcore conservatives will fight you with every foul sentiment and unnecessary display of cursing they command before they will even consider listening. It's sad and it's the reason this country is circling the drain but that's how it is. All you can do is say what you have to say and let those too ignorant to argue coherently prove their own stupidity... oh and laugh. You can also laugh at them because it really is funny to end a serious debate with a nasty comment about your mother.

Anonymous said...

Hey I resent that! I have an SUV, so what...i think you're just stereotyping! :) So what do democrates drive then?

I used to have those magnetic ribbons (on my SUV of course) unfortunately they got stolen (I think from some punk kids in our work parking lot). They were fun for awhile but with everything that becomes a trend it must of course be over done to the extreme and then die a slow and horrible death, so I'm done with those. I think it's totally ridiculous now with people who have a bizillion on their car..anything from support our troops to I love hot dogs....are you kidding me?

As for the previous post..Rob I seriously don't think you keyed a car...while I would love to key people's car at certain times..especially the jackass on the road who don't know how to drive or can't seem to find the gas petal (no offense to the elderly out there) but then I would feel bad about it. :( The idea just reminded me of the college professor I had who was a really witch...not because of her views but because of how she impressed it on the class she taught. Ever have a teacher where it was only right if they thought it was..that was her...ARGH she irritated me...so much for freedom of opinion.
So call it what you want...my own anger...a horrible flashback of my irritation of this teacher...my pregnancy hormones running rampant (yes I have the pregnancy card and I intend to use it where appropriate :) just don't tell my husband that)

Congrats on the temp job...i heard Pixar is still hiring though...might be something to look into, you never know.


The Melan'jack said...

I want a bumper sticker that says "I love hot dogs!"

Anonymous said...

eeeww.... I want a bumper sticker that says "I piss on your dirty nasty hot dogs".

Anonymous said...

There is a bumber sticker on car parked on the lot here a AWR that says "Kiss my Ass" with a picture of red shaped colored lips on it. Oh yea! Rene` it looks like you didn't get picked to be the next Pope maybe next time which might not be that far off this pope is almost 80 years old. I like to know will he pass the age of 84?


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Democrates (by which I assume she means Democrats) are mostly responsible, civic-minded individuals. They drive Prius...es. Priui?

Rob tried to key the White Stallion once, but it bucked him off.

The Melan'jack said...

I changed my mind. I would like, instead, a bumper sticker that says, "Ro pissed on my dirty nasty hot dogs."

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna start selling those bumper stickers, Wendyloo, excpet I want them to say "Ro pissed on my dirty nasty hotdogs and I still ate them" because.... that's basically what hotdogs are... piss.

The Melan'jack said...

I was under the impression that hotdogs were made of the lips and assholes of a cornucopia of otherwise useless animals. Hey! There's a bumper sticker right there.