Thursday, August 11, 2005

Bowling and Podcasts

So I've gone bowling twice now in the last... umm 3 days? And let me tell you, I'm the most inconsistant bowler... EVER. For example, today I bowled a turkey. Got the little symbol on the screen and everything. The next 3 frames... nothing. I didn't knock down a single pin. I threw 3 strikes in a row, and then threw 6 gutterballs. I find that amazing. I am amazing.

Also the other day when it was just Tim, Scott and I bowling I witnessed another remarkable event. Scott and Tim played Ender's Bowling. Basicly they each chose characters from the Ender's Game Book Series and related each frame to a chronological, signifigant part of the life of that character. Whether they did well or poorly, they related back to the story. It was was of the nerdiest, yet most entertaining things I've witnessed as of late.

Finally I'd like to mention Podcasts. If you're reading this you're actually taking part in a very cutting edge part of technoculture right now. Everyone here is very familiar and could even explain "Blogging" to someone less savvy. Podcasting is the other "craze" sweeping the internet. A podcast is a downloadable, free radio show... but over the internet... and not live. So one, two, or a group of people will get together (weekly) and record a 15 minute to a hour long radio show. Here's some examples:

  • TWiT (This Week in Tech): 4-7 guys talking about the latest and greatest stuff in the world of technology and especially computers. Some heavy nerd stuff here but I'm a big fan of Kevin Rose. Actually I'm a big fan of waiting for him to get in big trouble for straight out telling you how to do illegal things on your computer. He walks a very thin line, and often does it as well as a drunk walking one of those soberity tests.

  • Skeptically: A guy and girl tackling everything from science to religion and politics. Neither Right or Left wing would claim them because they don't pull punches. They talk about how not only was the constitution never intended to be used for any specific religion, but our founding fathers weren't even Christian themselves. The next episode they went after all of the intentionally created falsehoods that scientists spread about "The Church" to give it a bad name. For example, in Columbus's time no one really believed the Earth was flat, that was spread after the fact to make The Church seem out of touch. Just think of Atlas, the greek god with the world on his shoulders. The statue doesn't hold a pancake, now does it? And they go after conspiricy theorists as well, like the "We didn't land on the moon" guys.

  • Digg Nation: A website ran by the same Kevin Rose who I was talking about above. This is a weeks summary of interesting news stories, as rank in popularity by the people who visit the website.


Anonymous said...

You bowl like I do, but I bowl worse I believe I've bowl more gutter balls than spares or strikes combine. Besides I've only gotten one strike so far in my life.


Anonymous said...

Sooooo what's up with the first comment there about the trees?? Rob are you changing your field again? You've now decided to go into the stock market or agriculture?

Rob I didn't know you could bowl. It must be difficult finding a ball that doesn't weigh more then you, then to be able to pick it up and throw it...that's something else entirely.

Breyn :)

Scott said...

I read the first comment, then I shook my head and sighed. Because I knew what it was. This is the first blog spam on any of the Big Three blogs. (I.e. Me, Tim, and Rob) I'm not happy about this at all.

- Scott

Rob said...

I Deleted it. CURSE YOU BLOG-SPAM!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Rob and Scott,
Thank you for concern about my not posting. Now to deal with a issue that is bothering me.
Dear Tabby,
I was considdering taking a typing class because i do infact know that i am not the best typer, speller, or the best with punction but not because of your assanine comment . that fact that you used something such as my goal of just going to college as a springboard to pick a flawl out of mine in that manner shows us all little something about yourself as well.if my mistakes bother so much than just don't read my commets .you won't hurt my feelings .

Anonymous said...

hey rob
there is a lot of good disscussion topics on this post but i think that is why you my not be getting post about them here. i think they would get more responce in live group setting. it is hard to pick just one topic.
p.s. i will try to discuss them with anyone but this is bothering my eye alittle so i must go