Monday, August 22, 2005

Nickles: Worthless or Effencient?

So I wanted to splurge a bit today and work and utilize the vending machine at BUNN today. Those little chocolate donuts were just calling my name for some reason and I went on a mission to collect the 75 cents required. I went to my car and found I didn't have much change to speak of... execpt for a stack of nickles and a cupholder with pennies at the bottom.

I've heard people mention that we should get rid of the penny and just round it off. Well this isn't about the penny and how much more we'd get ripped off on gas prices if we lost the penny. It occured to me why I had a stack of nickels in my coin holder. You NEVER need more than one nickle at any given time. Who needs a stack of nickels? No one. I've decided the jumps in between our coins is all jacked up. I think we should have Pennies (1), Nickles (5), Fifths (20) and Halves (50). I also think they should bring back the 2-dollar bill... those were pointless but awesome. Come to think of it, we could lose the 10-dollar bill as well. Did you know the guy on the 10 dollar bill was shot by a vice president?

Anyways, First class tonight. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. And I got to see Ro this weekend, so that was awesome too. She's still perfect. Later!


Rob said...

Seriously... the idiot died in a duel. Why does he get it own currency?

Jake said...

Because he is the father of the American Treasury and basically set up our economy single-handedly after the Revolution. Show some respect, bastard.

Rob said...

Jake, If I could I would challenge you to a duel. It would be interesting to see who shot first. Me shooting you, or you shooting your foot.

Anonymous said...

I agree the money system needs to be redone. I have WAY too many nickles!


Anonymous said...

Nickles are the most singularly delicious money in the world

Anonymous said...

I agree we should be bring back the money that we don't use anymore like those big dollar bill coins. Pennies should stay around if there terminated not only gas prices will go up more, but everything else will also. I use pennies too.


Anonymous said...

i was reading your time issue problem now you know what feels like to be for the last 6 yrs. it is even worse now.all you have to do is stop with the 24hr day and make up the 36hr day schudele. we can talk later and compare. you cant get rid of the penny because than people would just bitch about the nickle and so on and on.

Scott said...


- Scott

kimberlyb1974 said...

Props to Ro for being the only one to spell nickel correctly.

Also, you can't get rid of the penny or I won't be able to pay my phone bill every month with my huge coffee can full of them.

Viva La Penny!


kimberlyb1974 said...

Oops...I forgot, we were discussing getting rid of the nickel, not the penny.

Uhm...I like nickels. I think they have too much of an alkaline taste to 'em though. Half dollars though, are extremely tasty. Especially when you dip them in chocolate.

Anonymous said...

rob ,
ityping from my first class .biology.i am going to get nothing dne like this anyway it's 9:00am i just got off of my night shift this is horrible . got to go class is starting.