Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Neighborly Love

So "The Others" next to me aren't that bad. I've actually spoken to them quite a few times... but I do pretend to hate them (even to their faces). But the neighbors of which I want to speak don't have anything to do with work. Its the new girls at our apartment complex whom I want want to tell you about.

We had Sara and Jessica move in recently... or just Sara and Jess was just helping her move. Trying to be good people, Scott and I offered to help and carried thier sofa up three flights of stairs for them. Now I have no problem with shy people, however I don't believed we recieved much more than a casual "thanks" as we were leaving their apartment. That couch was heavy, the stairwells skinny, and I'm not so sure the girls could have done it alone.

Some may argue that I don't have much room to dislike anyone at the complex, seeing that I don't contractually live there... To those people I say: "Fine, but move your own furniture from here on out."

Your Tech News Updates:
  • Something for Everyone
    High School Students buid a sweet Hybrid Car. Pictures and Video
    within. How come our auto shop didn't do anything cool like that? They just heckled "Theatre Queers"
  • Something for Uber-Nerds
    Make your windows desktop 3D (Just like an 80's Hacker Movie!!!). Not a recremended install for work. Warning: it is a beta application. Screenshots and download


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Hey, ridiculous techie stuff. Cool. And ridiculous.

By the way, Eddie Vedder, the lead singer of Pearl Jam...definitely NOT dead.


I couldn't believe no one called you on it. Were you thinking of Kurt Cobain? Either way...totally wrong. So there.

Rob said...

Best part is yes, I meant Cobain, and I had caught the mistake. BUT I was having ridiculous problems posting yesterday and I intended to change it... just forgot. Point - Tim.

Anonymous said...


Not sure if you knew it yet, but Breyn had her baby yesterday (8/15). Abigail was born at 4:06 a.m. and was 6lbs 10oz and was 20 inches long. Breyn is at Memorial here in Springfield.

Yah, the girls could have at least ordered pizza for you all to say thanks!


Anonymous said...

The young girls probably didn't want to give you a hard time by starting a conversation. We shall see later.


Scott said...

F*ck those bitches. They're dead to me. There was this complete "we're doing you a favor" to our entire encounter with them. And it was comming from THEM! They are SO not getting invited to our neighborly potluck. That's it, they're out.

Neither one was all that attractive anyway. Now my married neighbor next door, she's pretty fine. And nice. And she lets me borrow her vaccuum. Score one for the nice girl. And minus INFINITY from plane Jane ho's that live on the third floor.

- Scott