Wednesday, August 03, 2005


So Late posting today. "Why Rob?" you may ask...

Well, I've expressed my concern in the past for how they've just shoved me in the corner of the cafeteria with my computer set up on a folding table. But this was always ok, they left me alone and I generally considered myself fogotten for the most part. UNTIL TODAY!

When I walked in today, I expect the same thing I always expect: Fanfares, Banners and Party. I never actually receive that but I still feel my day of recognition is coming. But not only did I not get my overdue gratitude, I walked in and found a guy setting up 2 other computers on my plastic table. The best I could figure management was just confused because I did the work of 3 men anyways, so they were somehow thinking 2 more computers would help me out. BUT NO! Shortly there after, 2 ladies came in and introduced themselves to me. I didn't know how to take this so I just glared at them for a moment and then turned back to my work without saying a word. I think they kept talking to me, but I had turned up my headphones to block the mindless buzzing out altogether.

The short of it is, I have no idea what was going on today. Those two "other" people where there all day today and a multitude of others coming in and out talking to the others and showing them how to do things and whatnot. All in all, with all the traffic I didn't feel secure blogging at work. I don't think the others will be there tomorrow. If so, I may have to kill them. I don't take kindly to others infiltrating my space.


Scott said...

Well played. Now they not only think you're rude, but if they find your blog they'll go to the cops. Fantastic diplomacy. I guess the best way out of it would be to actually kill them. Or else rig their chairs to somehow roll backwards into a pit.

What I'm saying is that you have a lot of work to do. Now get to it.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

I hope you said something to them and didn't just be rude and walk away like you said you did. Shame on you.


Anonymous said...

Aw Rob has some cute. Maybe you should try to be nice to them instead of coming off as an arrogant jackass, you never know...they could be there to stay.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should talk to them. Make them fall victim to your charm. It will make Scott's idea of throwing them into a pit a little easier if they trust you!


Anonymous said...

i disagree . fuck them for being in your space . you were there first . you did not ask them to join.i do think you should kill them .it only seems fair.i only seen one pic. from the party.maybe i should kill you.

Anonymous said...

Phillip, spell check! and the lanuage...............come on Mom F

kimberlyb1974 said...

I wanted to swear, too, until Mom F scolded Philip. Dangit!

Is it those women's fault that they wanted to get close to you? They probably spent days trying to figure out how they could con the company in to getting space next to you, just so they could breathe in some of your coolness. You're so money.

However, I remember when Rob tried to overrun the tables at AWR, too. Rob is obsessed with being the only one at the table at all costs. He most certainly has a table fetish.

Rob, you have to let go...remember what the doctor said. It's ok to love the table, but it's not ok to LOVE the table.

And, if you get a chance, unscrew a few of the bolts on their chairs. I'm always up for some good practical jokes.

~Kim, not the suck-y one

Anonymous said...

Philip it sounds like you have some real anger issues. You might want to look into therapy.
