Tuesday, August 30, 2005


No, I'm not refering to the bass pounding, XTC promoting environment of Springfield's Rave Scene.* I'm talking about Rules of Technology, most of these are learned first hand and I wanted to share my top 4 with you right now.

1. The swift kick has been replaced with a swift reboot. Back in the day when something didn't work, all you had to do was kick/hit it and it would probably fix it**. But those days are almost gone with less Mechanical stuff (gears and chains and the like) and more Technological stuff (chips and... well... chips). Ask any tech support person, a reboot is the first responce for any of these devices: Computer, Cellphone, Modem/Router, iPod, etc.

2. Technology lies. Often things that offer assistance or troubleshoot themselves, have a very limited knowledge of what's going on, and just because the Card Swiper at Best Buy says "Swipe your card at any time" lies. You really need to wait for me to say to go.

3. Never buy technology.
a. It will be out of date before you're halfway home from the store. I broke down and got that iPod recently, just to hear about this.
b. The newest technology will be buggy and they will have pushed it out before it was ready.
c. Marketing for technology is amazing, they assume (and correctly so) that the consumer has NO IDEA what the numbers and catchy features they put on the box really means. So 95% of it is all BS***.

4. Don't buy "nice things" from Walmart. I shop at Wally-World a lot, but never buy a big ticket item there. Walmart has low, low prices on technology for two very easy reasons. One, they're the cheapest, non-name brand stuff they can get their hands on. Or two, if it is a quality company, it's 3 generations old. So if you go to walmart to buy a "Brand New" Digital Camera for $200, opposed to the $400 one at Best Buy... that's because the $200 camera is actually 2 years old.

And yes, I totally stole the footnote idea from Tim, blatently, and unashamed. Lets face it, he hasn't posted on here in weeks and will probably never find out.

*Springfield has no rave scene that I know of.
** Ask Josh how well this worked on his bike.
*** Bullshit


Scott said...

It's true. And Tim didn't invent it! The MLA format board did! Screw Tim! Down with Tim! He must die!!!!1! Especially since he pre-emptively stole my idea of blogging about long past events on a slow post day.

- Scott

P.S. Good post.

P.P.S. Kill Tim and such.

Anonymous said...

Big Brother is always watching. Now you both die.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Guys, that Big Brother guy sounds serious. I'd be careful if I were you.

By the way, my ideas rule and I have them before you. Like being tall? Great idea. Totally thought of it before you guys. Now who's regretting it? You are.

Oh hello, Ro. Hope all is well with you.

Anonymous said...

I need to get Laid!

kimberlyb1974 said...

I wonder why 'anonymous' capitalized the word laid in their post. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that everyone involved still remembers just how skilled Rob is at bicycle maintence.

Anonymous said...

hey rob
i know this off topic but it is funny. so i am sitting in class right know reading my new rock ans ice and some girl ask me if i do that . that as in "big wall" and i said no but than proceed to show her bouldeing and she says that not what climbing was and she thought and that semms easy so i proceed to ask her if i can throw her from 8 ft . in the air let her land on her head and see if it hurts she had no responce i thought it was pretty funny