Thursday, August 18, 2005

Busy as Hell

No seriously... my schedule is something to make Dante himself cringe (we're talking about whole new circles here). Next week I'm scheduled for 33 hours at Best Buy. I'm pulling at least 30 at Bunn as of late. Grad School starts on Monday, so we're now over 70 hours, not counting possible homework. The icing on the cake is that this weekend is the weekend Ro gets back. I have no idea how I'm going to work this out, but you better believe I'm not going to wait another week to see her. Scott says to call in sick, but that's just not my style - I'll make it work. Besides, the money is good for me. Maybe someone should get me a Time Turner... only a real one.

I think I'm going to steal something from those Xanga bloggers. For those of you who aren't familar, Xanga is like Blogspot, just another blogging service. Although Blogger (Blogspot) is better (I mean, it is owned by Google). Anyways at the top of most Xanga accounts you tell everyone what song you're listening to at that moment. I'm going to do that and take it a step further, I'm going to provide a snippet of the lyrics from the song I'm listening too. I've currently got 1904 MP3s on my iPod, so we should should see quite a nice range of songs. I promise to name whatever random song is playing and not "look for a good one."

Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness
I was spinning free, woah...
With a little sweet and simple numbing me.
What a dizzying dance, woah...
This sweetness will not be concerned with me.

I didn't say the lyrics would always make a lot of sense, but I think we'll get some good ones pretty soon. I just promised not to pick "a good one" even for the charter song. So deal with it.


Rob said...

This coming from the girl who is taking more credit hours this semester than regularly allowed. As well as a combination of classes you were warned about. And insisting on maintaining a job on the side even though your father, siblings and boyfriend think its ridiculous and a bad idea...

So are you the pot, or the kettle? :)

Anonymous said...

You two are so cute!


Jake said...

I like how you assume your blogging audience doesn't know who Dante is. Tool.

Anonymous said...

why can't i call you . please call me .

Scott said...

I think Rob was with Ro when you posted that phil. As such, he wasn't ABOUT to answer that phone. Anyway... this is my comment to say I commented and demand he do the same. I'm out.

- Scott