Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Money Matters (part 2)

So yesterday I had to go shopping. I decided that some of my clothes were pretty ratty, and debated driving up to ISU to have Ro help me pick some stuff out. But I had class in only 4 hours and losing the better part of that to driving didn't seem to smart to me.

Rob Goes to the Mall
I walked into The Gap and PacSun and some other trendy store who's name I don't remember and got pretty frustrated. I was trying to decide which had more numbers: The Customers or the Mannequins wearing Pink shirts with the collars popped. Eventually I wandered into one of the big stores at either ends of the mall (like JCPennys or Famous). I almost turned and walked out of them as well, until I found the clearance racks. I was pretty proud of walking out with 2 Perry Ellis shirts for 67% off ($22), another shortsleeved one 75% off ($16) and a cool reversible belt ($19). All in all, I still spent over $100 when you add in the new pants... did you know there's a such thing as pants without frays at the bottoms?

Also I went to my first Illinois Politics class yesterday. It was mostly an introductory class. We were told about papers and take home tests and speakers and the like. Leaving after just over an hour in what should be a 3 and a half hour class is pretty good in my opinion. Future classes promise to take up much more of my evening. How long/often are your class Phil? I've got a Monday class and a Wednesday class that each go 6:00pm - 9:30pm. And I don't have access to a computer in mine... eh, probably for the best.


Anonymous said...

I guess we will all see you in those GAP pants commercials doing your swing dance.


Anonymous said...

You needed a few things.... way to go checking out the clearance racks! Mom F