Monday, October 10, 2005

Book Shopping

Hooray for all the comments. See, that's all I need every now and again; sometimes my ego drops below that supernatural level and I just need a little reinforcement to keep it up in the stratisphere. I also added some new blogs on the side. Best friend Josh (who I went to Europe with) now has his own blog. Hey Phil, looks like you're the only one left... we demand you get a blog... now. Also I linked to Anne, Ro's sister (who unlike Ro, doesn't leave her blog unupdated for 3 months). And Finally we have Nida, a fellow RA from ISU and my favoritest Paki. Oh yeah, I listed Jake too... but I hate him, so I don't care if you go there or not. The only reason he gets a spot is because he is the one that broke the infamous Jerseyville Porn Star Story.

This weekend I went to Barnes and Noble. I found a few books that caught my eye enough to take pictures. What is the world coming too?

Ok this just may be my own mis-understanding.... but aren't Freemasons one of those elitist, secret societies? Like the Skulls? Or the Mouseketeers? Chapter 18, Our secret handshake and meeting places. Chapter 23, Who's who in the freemasons guild, and what governments they control.

Here's an idea, instead of 1001 movies you must watch before you die, how about you get off your butt and get some exercise before your heart collapses under the weight of the mounting chlorestrol that has accumulated while you've been a worthless couch potatoe for the last 4 years trying to hit all 1001 movies.

That's it, its official; she's got her own religion. I propose a public burning in the town square.

"PIRATTITUDE! So you wanna be a Pirate? Here's How!" Probably the greatest book I'd ever seen in my entire life. Unless someone releases NINJAITUDE, in which case... well you get the idea.


Jake said...

I'm a Freemason. The "secrets" really aren't all that secret anymore, and you can tell that they aren't that earth shattering to begin with. Mostly a bunch of allegories about Solomon's Temple and such. But I'm still not allowed to talk about them. Particularly the Masonic distress signal.

...I've said too much.

Rob said...

Jake, is that the really obvious signal you taught us when you were drunk at Scott's party? The one you said was pretty much only for when a life was on the line or something, although you definately couldn't give a practical application? Don't worry, we all swore to never tell anyone else what it was... we don't want you getting cut up and burried at high tide and what-not.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Rob, I appreciate the business. I also visited B&N today to peruse the aisles. My personal addition: From Pieces to Weight: Once upon a Time in Southside Queens- 50 Cent's story. Which I'm sure is flying of the shelves at rap capital of the world: Springfield.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Worthless couch potatoe? Well hello, former Vice President Dan Quayle. Haven't seen much of you lately. Hope your chlorestrol level is okay.

Hey, how come Josh gets freaking stars by his blog? Just 'cause he's new and cool? Whatever, man. So much for loyalty.

So...I see Anne is 17. Interesting...

Rob said...

Tim, I'm leaving the misspellings. If that's what makes you feel like a big man, I'll let you have your moment. Some of us HAVE JOBS and were quite tired today. Had to work The Buy 6 pm - 2 am, and then BUNN at 9. And then I have to finish a damn paper and go to class. SO LAY OFF!!!

You better hurry up if you want to hook up with Anne, she's only going to be underage a little while longer. On the plus side for you, she does live right outside of Downers Grove.

Scott said...

Damn it Tim, I was going to make fun of him for potatoe, I mean after the Quayle debacle, I thought everyone knew that. But I was in class and I couldn't tap out a reply without drawing more attention to myself than it warranted. I was afterall, reading blogs, playing freecell, and making subversive Facebook groups like the ABC. Anti-Blazek-Club. We're banning together against a certain teacher. It's great.

But for all those reasons, I missed out. Well done however. In other news, is Anne still up for grabs? (Literal in Tim's case.) Because if so, I call dibs. Once I add her to my collection I'll have tall and short covered... now for medium.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

I want to be a pirate too! However, I want Orlando Bloom to by my first matey! I forget what his character's name was, that's not important though!
