Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dad's Speech

The nice thing about doing political studies in Springfield is that you're "right where the action is." Two internships are required, and I get placed somewhere here in the capital. And when we need a speaker, they're all right here. Last week we had Governor Edgar come and talk to us in his first public appearance since announcing he would not run against Blagojevich this term. We're having this lady come in from some Ethical Reform of Campaign Finance Thingy in a few weeks. But what was MOST important was our speaker last night. We had none other than the esteemed, Tom Ryder speak to our class about the state legislature. Tom Ryder served in the State House of Representatives for a bazillion years, and is now a lobbyist here in Springfield. He also is my surrogate father.

That's right. Josh and Tim's dad came and spoke with our class. I wish I had enough time to review Dad like I should, but I'm a very busy person today/this week. But here's the quick run down:

  • Our state is divided up into several different districts, split up in a number of different yet individually important ways: Representative Districts, County Lines, Senatorial Districts and most importantly Cardinals/Cubs/White Sox Lines.
  • My teacher only does 75% of his actual job because he has speakers come in to do it for him.
  • Everything in life and politics can be referenced to Television Shows. We discussed NUMB3RS and CSI. If he was able to work in Smallville or The Daily Show that would have been some serious bonus points.
  • Speaking of bonus points, in his list of new mediums for communication these days, he referenced blogs. So I think that more than makes up for the TV show slip.

Anyways, that's all I have time for today. I've got a incredibly hectic week. Scheduled for 30+ hours at best buy, 20+ at BUNN, I just received a Take-Home Essay Midterm last night, and I know I'm getting a new paper assignment tomorrow in class that will be due next week. Did I ever mention that I'm a busy person? Oh, and I got my grade back on my paper on the "Illinois Education Association" and Special Interest Groups: A- (which I am very happy with).


Rob said...

Tabitha: No kidding. Just make sure you read before you bid :)
Scott: My new schedule is going to make our collaborative efforts this week kind of difficult. But we'll see what we can do.
KM: Last week at work, we found out I could fit the role of masking tape over my hand, up my arm, over my elbow and onto that "Rippling Bicep." So I'm not really sure which person you think I am, but there's nothing on this bod that's "Rippling."
Phil: No, we don't know. You're going to have to fight Ro for the first swing at her though. And welcome back to the comment section, we've missed you. And Get your Own BLOG!!!
Allyn: I know you did't actually comment, but your real life comment was good enough I wanted to share it with the group: "$200?! We need to sell some of our left over boxes from the wedding!" Ahhh Allyn... You've got a special place in my heart.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

My dad is da coolest. He's got his finger on the pulse of the nation. Or something.

Anonymous said...

Did you happen to catch "The Colbert Report" after the "Daily Show"? It was actually pretty good! Anywho, I just thought I'd ask. I still have homework to do that's due tonight. I hate stats!
Have fun with that midterm. Take homes are the devil! (Somehow I feel like all this shouldve been in bullet points or something, oh well!)
- Nida

Anonymous said...


You should do one of your internships here at IADDA! We take college interns all the time!

Glad your "dad" was a guest speaker last night. I'm sure that made listening to him more interesting than "this lady" is going to be!


Josh said...

Ahhh, my Dad, the coolest kid out there. Talking about politics through TV? That's my Dad.

Jake said...

I forgot that you're a polisci major. Ha! You must not want a job!

Anonymous said...

Jakey....may i quote you "I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do after I graduate." so don't be makign fun of rob being a pol sci major and not wanting a job. At least he has an aspiration in life. I support my fellow pol sci major in all that he does and I know that he is going to be doing amazing things! I HEART ROB!!!
love anna

Anonymous said...

Um, right. It's called irony.



Jake said...

Or hypocrisy used for comedic effect.