Friday, October 28, 2005

*Maybe is not an option




Topic of the day: Underage Voting
Subtopic of the day: You’re helping me with my paper

So I’ve got two papers due next week. My paper for Monday is going to be on “one of the 4 proposed amendments to the new 1970 constitution.” One of those was to lower the voting age to 18. This motion actually failed here in Illinois after a heated debate, but was all for nothing because in ’71 the change was made nationally. I want to hear from those of you who remember anything about this, or if you don’t remember and want to look stuff up for me, I’m not going to complain. It’ll be 10 pages, so anything relative to the topic can help. Reasons for, reasons against, etc.

Also, there’s a small movement currently to get the voting age dropped to 16. Reasoning being that 16 year olds are working and paying taxes (taxation without representation) and its in conjunction with increasing civic education in Highschool. Blah blah blah, that’s not important and not what my paper is about. I’m talking about the move to 18 year olds in the 70’s. Geeze I don’t want to have to go to the library and look at microfilm.

(I had an image for this, but the upload wasn't working...)


kimberlyb1974 said...

All I know is that in 1970, Congress changed the voting age when it extended the Civil Rights Act of 1965. It was only supposed to be for federal office, but states soon jumped on the bandwagon.

Also, in 1972, the first year they were eligible, only half of 18-20-year-olds bothered to vote.

It probably had something to do with all those war protest songs about being able to die for your country, but not vote.

I did pay attention in Civics, but I probably wouldn't have voted at 16. I did what my friends did when I was a stupid 16-year-old and I know none of them would have voted. However, if we could have gotten out of class to do it....hmmmm.

Anonymous said...


Rob said...

it wasn't a yes or no question, dumbface.

(its now RS2.0's offical policy to make fun of anonymous posting like that.)

kimberlyb1974 said...

I originally thought it was a yes or no question...then I figured it was Rob being cute and having a "sample ballot" tying in to the whole underage thing.

Glad I didn't answer, by the way...I wouldn't have wanted to get scolded.

Rob said...

of course it was Rob being cute! I had written it out on paper and took a picture with my cellphone, but it wouldn't post. And I wouldn't have scolded you Kimmy, I only scold "anonymous" people... and redheads. :)